What's in the online catalogue?

The catalogue contains descriptions of over 60 different collections held in the LSHTM archive.

Our Guide to Key Collections gives further information on our major collections.

See About/Collections Guide for a full list of all collections currently included in the online catalogue

How is the catalogue structured?

Archive collections are catalogued in a hierarchy, so each collection usually includes different levels of catalogue description:

  • Collection level: Top level of description which gives information on all the elements of the collection.
  • Series: Groups of records within a collection
  • Sub-Series : Groups of records within a series
  • File: A file of records within a series or sub-series
  • Item: Individual items within a file or subseries, e.g. an individual letter within a correspondence sub-series or file.

There can be any number of levels within a collection and our collections are catalogued to varying degrees of detail. All our collections in the online catalogue are described to at least series level.

What's not in the online catalogue?

The administrative records of the School, student records, course and departmental records, plus material on the Keppel Street building are not currently available on the online catalogue. Please contact the Archives Service for further details.

The Archives Service is not responsible for the Rare Books Collection. Items in this collection can be found using Discover.
