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GB 0809 SIGMA Research - SIGMA Research
1 - HIV Conference Reports
2 - International HIV Conference Abstracts
3 - Non-UK Grey Literature
4 - UK HIV Basic Research
1 - Typescript report, 'Bisexual Men: Women, Safer Sex and HIV Transmission'
2 - Report, 'Gay Men: Sustaining Safer Sex?'
3 - Booklet, 'HIV Outreach Health Education: National and International Perspectives: Summary Report to the Department of Health'
4 - Booklet, 'Joint Planning, Community Care and HIV Disease'
5 - Working paper, 'In black and white: a preliminary report on the role of media in audience understandings of 'African AIDS'
6 - Report, 'Outreach Work with Young Men Involved in the 'Rent Scene' of Central London 1988/1989
7 - Report, 'The Tip of the Iceberg': The Level of Drug Use Within Islington - A local needs assessment: results of a six month research project'
8 - Report, 'HIV Prevention for Gay Men: A Survey of Initiatives in the UK'
9 - Booklet, 'Joint Planning Community Care & HIV Disease: Making HIV Community Care a Reality'
10 - Report, 'Leicester black MESMAC: an Evaluation of Outreach Work in Saunas'
11 - Report, 'Using a Questionnaire to Start Work on the Scene: The Experience of Leeds MESMAC'
12 - Report, 'MESMAC Tyneside: Working with Men on a Housing Estate'
13 - Report, 'MESMAC Leeds: an Evaluation of the Establishment of a Lesbian & Gay Theatre Group'
14 - Offprint, 'The sexual behaviour of young gay men in England and Wales'
15 - Offprint, 'HIV infection in a cohort of homosexual and bisexual men'
16 - Booklet, 'The Amsterdam cohort study of HIV infection and AIDS in homosexual men: a summary of the results (1984-1992)'
17 - Report, 'Stop AIDS London- Evaluation'
18 - Working paper, 'Bisexuality and HIV prevention: a working document on current needs and provision'
19 - Offprint, 'Changes in condom use by gay men'
20 - Offprint, 'Sex role separation in sexual diaries of homosexual men''
21 - Offprint, 'The testing of saliva samples for HIV-1 antibodies: reliability in a non-clinic setting'
22 - Offprint, 'No connection between alcohol use and unsafe sex among gay and bisexual men'
23 - Booklet, 'Aspects of AIDS and AIDS-HILFE in Germany'
24 - Report, 'The Health and Social Care of People with HIV Infection and AIDS'
25 - Report, 'AIDS and Housing Project: Assessing Local Housing Needs for People with HIV'
26 - Report, 'AIDS and Housing Project: Housing and Individual Needs Assessments'
27 - Report, 'Regional Project: GPs and Sexual Health Promotion'
28 - Report, 'Implementing Caring for people: Community Care for People with HIV and AIDS'
29 - Report, 'Inspection of Local Authority Services for People Affected by HIV/AIDS: Overview'
30 - Report, 'South Essex Health Needs Assessment for Gay and Bisexual Men and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men: First Year'
31 - Report, 'Local government, AIDS and gay men'
32 - Report, 'Using Sexually Explicit Materials for Safer Sex Work with Gay Men'
33 - Report, 'Health purchasing, HIV prevention and gay men: Results of a survey into the purchasing of HIV prevention work for gay men and bisexual men by health authorities in England'
34 - Report, 'A Review of Community Care for People with HIV/AIDS in Tower Hamlets: Services in 1994'
35 - Report, 'The Gay Men's Sex Survey at Pride '94'
36 - Report, 'Needle Exchange Services in North Thames (East)'
37 - Report, 'HIV Testing Services in North Thames (East)'
38 - Report, 'Lesbian's and Gay Men's Experiences of Crime and policing: An Exploratory Study'
39 - Report, 'Monitoring HIV Risk Behaviours Amongst Gay Men and Injecting Drug Users in Camden & Islington Health Authority'
40 - Report, 'HIV & Black Communities 2: Primary & Secondary HIV Prevention Issues for African Communities'
41 - Report, 'HIV & Black Communities 3: Needs Assessment'
42 - Report, 'The HIV Project: Sexual History Taking in General Practice'
43 - Booklet, 'HIV Seminar Notes: Sexual safety and drug use'
44 - Leaflets, Executive Summaries produced by the Centre for Research on Drugs and Health Behaviour
45 - Report, 'Local HIV prevention needs assessments for gay and bisexual men: A review, and recommendations for action'
46 - Report, 'Men who have sex with men: Social and behavioural research: implications for needs assessment'
47 - Report, 'Discrimination Against Gay Men and Lesbians'
48 - Report, 'Sexual Health Needs in Relation to HIV and AIDS: An Evaluation of Services in the West Midlands Region: Final report to West Midlands NHS Executive, October 1995'
49 - Report, 'Risk behaviours and health care needs of gay men and injecting drug users in Camden & Islington Health Authority: An Interim Report'
50 - Report, 'The Sexual Health Needs of HIV Positive Gay and Bisexual Men'
51 - Report, 'GLAM (1) Study'
52 - Report, GMFA (Gay Men Fighting AIDS): '1995 Hampstead Heath Report'
53 - Leaflet, 'HIV and a Migrant Community. The Irish in Britain: Summary'
54 - Report, 'Analysis of data collected by the LADS Project at the 1996 Gay Pride Festival ' The LADS Sex Survey at Pride 1996'
55 - Report, 'Moving Targets: An assessment of the needs of gay men and of bisexual men in relation to HIV prevention in Enfield and Haringey'
56 - Report, 'Addressing the Need, Unravelling the Myths. A Report on Peer Education in the Bisexual Community'
57 - Periodical, 'Community Care: Research Matters: A digest of research in social services'
58 - Report, 'Women, rape and the criminal justice system'
59 - Report, 'Outcome in HIV prevention, report of a research project'
60 - Booklet, 'Queer Bashing: a national survey of hate crimes against lesbians and gay men'
61 - Report, 'Talking spaces: A Therapeutic Groupwork Approach to HIV Prevention with Gay Men'
62 - Report, 'Young Gay Men and HIV Infection'
63 - Report, 'HIV Prevention and Sexual Health Promotion Needs Assessment for Gay Men and Bisexual Men in Brent and Harrow'
64 - Bibliography, 'Research in AIDS care: an annotated bibliography of social research in HIV and AIDS care in the United Kingdom, 1982-1995'
65 - Report, 'Treatment information needs of people living with HIV'
66 - Report, 'Review of Effectiveness of Health Promotion Interventions for Men Who Have Sex With Men'
67 - Report, 'Assessment of the HIV Prevention Needs of the Homeless and Insecurely Housed Population of Brighton and Hove (A Quantitative and Qualitative Study.)'
68 - Report, 'Primary Health Care: Gay and Bisexual Men'
69 - Report, 'Dialogue of Hope: A needs assessment report on African communities affected by HIV in Islington'
70 - Report, 'HIV Health Promotion and Gay Men in Yorkshire: Findings from The Yorkshire Gay Men's Sex Survey 1997'
71 - Report, 'Actually be Yourself: Report of Research into Gay Men's Health Related Needs for Lothian Health Promotion Department'
72 - Typescript report, 'Analysis of data collected by the LADS Project at the 1997 Summer Rites Festival 'The LADS Sex Survey Rites 1997'
73 - Report, 'The GMFA Hampstead Health Project Evaluation: An evaluation of community-based STD/HIV prevention work in a public sex environment'
74 - Report, 'Ethnicity, sex between men & HIV prevention'
75 - Report, 'Towards effective commissioning: HIV prevention for gay and bisexual men'
76 - Periodical, 'Community Care'
77 - Report, 'Life on the scene - Ten years of HIV prevention research in gay bars. 1986-96'
78 - Discussion paper, 'A sexual health ready reckoner: Summary indicators of sexual behaviour and HIV in London and South East England'
79 - Report, 'Young Gay and Bisexual Men and Sexual Health HIV & AIDS Support'
80 - Report, 'I feel like I've got a future...'
81 - Dissertation, 'Measuring Effectiveness in Health Promotion'
82 - Report, 'Exploring Ethnicity and Sexual Health'
83 - Report, 'HIV and AIDS: Health Services for Children and Families in London: A report for the Inner London HIV Health Commissioners'
84 - Booklet, 'Unprotected anal intercourse & HIV infection among gay men'
85 - Report, 'Making Data Count: Findings from the national Gay Men's Sex Survey 1997'
86 - Report, 'Making it count: a theory, ethics and evidence based health promotion strategy to reduce the incidence of HIV infection through sex between men in England'
87 - Offprint, 'Sexual HIV risk behaviour among men who have sex with both men and women'
88 - Report, 'Listening to HIV Positive Gay Men'
89 - Report, 'A Second Survey of the Health Needs of Gay and Bisexual Men in Southampton and South West Hampshire'
90 - Report, 'The Zorro Report'
91 - Report, 'Blind Spots: A review of the literature on men who make social and sexual encounters in public sex environments and their HIV-related risks'
92 - Report, 'Sexual Health in Cyberspace: Overcoming the obstacles to promoting sexual health on the internet'
93 - Report, 'Hard Times: A Community Based RCT of Cognitive Behavioural Work with Gay Men'
94 - Report, Terrence Higgins Trust: 'Well treated? A survey of HIV diagnostic and support services in 1998 in the UK'
95 - Report, 'Evidence for change: Findings from the National Gay Men's Sex Survey 1998'
96 - Report, 'A class apart: The social stratification of HIV infection among homosexually active men'
97 - Booklet, 'The Facilitation of HIV Transmission by other Sexually Transmitted Infections During Sex Between Men'
98 - Report, 'What are you like? Assessing the sexual health needs of Black gay and bisexual men'
99 - Report, The West African HIV Prevention Initiative: Final report'
100 - Report, 'Hard to reach- heard to teach? Research into the sexual health needs of South Asian men who have sex with men'
101 - Report, 'Sex Rights: A Report on the feedback and perceptions of 128 respondents to the Sex Rights Survey in Axiom Magazine on the Sex Rights Campaign'
102 - Report, Group Outings: Young Gay Men's Experiences of Coming Out at Outzone'
104 - Report, '1998 Finsbury Park Project'
105 - Report, 'Social Inclusion: Reaching Out to Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Youth'
106 - Report, 'Homophobic Incidents Survey Results'
107 - Report, 'Are Health Authorities failing gay men? HIV Prevention Spending in England 1997/98'
108 - Report, 'Primary Care Gay and Bisexual Men'
109 - Booklet, 'Preventing HIV in Black African Communities in England: A summary of the valuation of the National African HIV Prevention Projects Programme'
110 - Report, 'National African HIV Prevention Projects: Evaluation Report'
111 - Report, 'The Mayisha Study: Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles of Migrant Africans in Inner London'
112 - Report, 'Vital statistics: Findings from the National Gay Men's Sex Survey 1999'
113 - Offprint, 'Sexually transmitted infection as a risk factor for homosexual HIV transmission: a systematic review of epidemiological studies'
114 - Report, 'A Report on the ENIGMA Pilot: An in-depth intervention addressing sexual risk-taking with gay and bisexual men'
115 - Report, 'Sexuality Education in Four Local Secondary Schools: Learning from a Local Initiative'
116 - Report, 'Making Sense'
117 - Briefing paper, 'Supporting adherence: NAT Briefing paper on antiretroviral therapy in the UK'
118 - Report, 'Speaking Out': Violence Against The Lesbian and Gay Community in Portsmouth. 1999/2000'
119 - Report, 'Health Survey Report: Sexual Behaviour of French Speaking African'
120 - Report, 'London counts: HIV prevention needs and interventions among gay and bisexual men in the sixteen London Health Authorities'
121 - Briefing note, 'HIV prevention and sexual health promotion with people with HIV'
122 - Briefing note, 'Community safety practice briefing: Without prejudice: a guide for community safety partnerships on responding to the needs of lesbians, gays and bisexuals'
123 - Report, 'Views from the Bars: Gay men's beliefs about HIV and implications for HIV prevention'
124 - Report, 'PSE Outreach Projects 2000'
125 - Working Paper, 'A report to commissioners on the professional development needs of gay men's HIV prevention workers in London'
126 - Report, 'The sexual culture of the Bushes and the Street Outreach Service: a qualitative investigation and experimental evaluation'
127 - Report, 'Testing Barriers'
128 - Report, 'Gay men's survey in London gyms, 2002'
129 - Report, 'Access all Areas: a study of the accessibility of Positive Futures services for people from Black and Ethnic Minorities'
130 - Report, 'Disturbing symptoms: How Primary Care Trusts are responding to the challenges of sexual health and HIV, and how specialist clinicians view the resulting changes: a Research Report'
131 - Report, 'Know the score: Findings from the National Gay Men's Sex Survey 2001'
132 - Report, 'Sexual Health Survey of Gay Men, London 2002, Summary of Results'
133 - Report, 'Team Manchester Evaluation 2002'
134 - Report, 'Taking the long view: the ISER Report 2002/3'
135 - Report, 'Positive Changes: A review of progress on African HIV prevention in Enfield and Haringey 1997- March 2002'
136 - Report, 'Taking Stock: What do we know about interpersonal violence'
137 - Report, 'Men's health needs are they being addressed?'
138 - Briefing papers, The Padare Project
139 - Annual report, 'NAM: helping people live longer, healthier lives: annual report 2002'
140 - Report, 'Mental health and social wellbeing of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals in England and Wales: A summary of findings'
141 - Reports and summary evaluations, 'London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership: An Evaluation Proposal to the North London Specialist Commissioning Team'
142 - Report, 'The GMFA Arse Class: A report on the development, promotion and delivery of a national group work program in the UK.'
143 - Report, 'National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles II: Reference tables and summary report'
144 - Report, 'HIV prevention: a review of reviews assessing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the sexual risk of HIV transmission'
145 - Publications, 'National AIDS Trust 'Are You HIV Prejudiced?'
146 - Report, 'HIV prevention: a review of reviews assessing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the risk of sexual transmission: Evidence briefing'
147 - Report, 'Stopping Stigma with Awaredressers: Views of Barnet's residents, businesses and their customers on the Awaredressers project'
148 - Report, 'Investigation of Local Measures To Control the Syphilis Outbreak in Brighton: Final Report'
149 - Report, 'Making a Difference: A community based sexual health screening service for Gay & Bisexual Men'
150 - Annual Summary Report, 'Sexual Health Survey of Gay Men, London 2004'
151 - Report, 'Living with the virus: A Scrutiny of HIV Services in London'
152 - Report, 'An Evaluation of the National African HIV Prevention Programme (NAHIP) HIV Testing Awareness Campaign
153 - Report, 'Perspectives on Terrence Higgins Trust's HIV Prejudice and Discrimination Poster Campaign'
154 - Booklet, 'health, sex, steroids survey 2004'
155 - Report, 'The housing and support needs of people living with HIV and/or Hepatitis C in Leeds'
157 - Report, 'Outing Drugs'
158 - Report, 'I want to survive, I want to win, I want tomorrow'
159 - Report, 'A Review of Research Among Black African Communities Affected by HIV in the UK and Europe'
160 - Report, 'Out on Your Own: An Examination of the Mental Health of young Same-Sex Attracted Men'
161 - Report, 'Reflecting on recent social research about HIV prevention, sexual health and people with HIV'.
162 - Survey, 'The All-Wales Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Survey 2006'
163 - Report, 'Sexual Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours among Black and Minority Ethic Youth in London: A summary of findings'
164 - Report, 'Building a safer sex culture: Beyond Condoms Campaign'
165 - Report, 'Count Me in Too: LGBT Lives in Brighton & Hove Initial Findings: Academic Report'
166 - Report, 'I count myself as being in a different world': African gay and bisexual men living with HIV in London'
167 - Programme report, 'Adapting Effective HIV Interventions South to North: The London VCT Project Report'
168 - Briefing paper, 'The use of phylogenetic analysis as evidence in criminal investigation of HIV transmission'
169 - Report, 'Ten Years of Monitoring HIV & AIDS in the North West of England'
170 - Booklet, 'Attitudes and Responses to HIV and AIDS: Results From First Major Survey of Ministers and Churchgoers'
171 - Report, 'The Knowledge, The Will and The Power: A plan of action to meet the HIV prevention needs of Africans living in England'
172 - Leaflet, 'Sexually transmitted infections in black African and black Caribbean communities in the UK: 2008 report'
173 - Report, 'We are bovver'd: Responding to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people in South and East London'
174 - Report, 'Branching Out: Kent and Medway Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Needs Assessment 2008'
175 - Briefing report, 'HIV prevention among black Africans in England: a complex challenge;
176 - Report, 'Policing Transmission: A review of police handling of criminal investigations relating to transmission of HIV in England & Wales, 2005-2008'
177 - Evaluation Report, 'Faith and HIV in Action: A Training Workshop for Christian Communities'
178 - Booklet, 'Give Stigma the Index Finger! Initial Findings from the People Living with HIV Stigma Index in the UK 2009'
179 - Leaflet, 'Syphilis and Lympogranuloma Venereum: Resurgent Sexually Transmitted Infections in the UK'
180 - Report, 'Are your needs being Metro'd? The Metro Centre Needs Assessment 2008/09'
181 - Report, 'Access All Areas: Tower Hamlets Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Needs Assessment 2008/09'
182 - Report, 'HIV and Blood Borne Viruses in Staffordshire Prisons'
183 - Leaflet, 'A national study of people over 50 living with HIV'
184 - Report, 'Time to test for HIV: Expanded healthcare and community HIV testing in England'
185 - Leaflet, 'Women HIV and AIDS'
186 - Article, 'Recognising the Male Victim: Gender neutrality and the Law of Rape'
5 - UK HIV Epidemiology
6 - UK HIV Policy
7 - UK HIV Resource Documents
8 - UK Parliamentary Debates
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