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Collapse GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Collapse 01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
Expand 01 - Roll of posters01 - Roll of posters
Expand 02 - Roll of posters02 - Roll of posters
Expand 03 - Roll of posters03 - Roll of posters
Expand 04 - Roll of posters04 - Roll of posters
Expand 05 - Roll of posters05 - Roll of posters
Expand 06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
Expand 07 - Roll of posters07 - Roll of posters
Expand 08 - Roll of posters08 - Roll of posters
Expand 09 - Roll of posters09 - Roll of posters
Expand 10 - Roll of posters10 - Roll of posters
Expand 11 - Roll of posters11 - Roll of posters
Expand 12 - Roll of posters from Portugal12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
Expand 13 - Roll of posters13 - Roll of posters
Collapse 14 - Roll of posters14 - Roll of posters
01 - Image of man, woman, boy, girl. Caption: Protect yourself and your family.
02 - Das kondom schutzt vor AIDS. Eine Aktion des Gesundheitsministeriums. [The condom protects against AIDS. An action of the Ministry of Health.]
03 - Das kondom schutzt vor AIDS. Eine Aktion des Gesundheitsministeriums. [The condom protects against AIDS. An action of the Ministry of Health.]
04 - Das kondom schutzt vor AIDS. Eine Aktion des Gesundheitsministeriums. [The condom protects against AIDS. An action of the Ministry of Health.]
05 - Das kondom schutzt vor AIDS. Eine Aktion des Gesundheitsministeriums. [The condom protects against AIDS. An action of the Ministry of Health.]
06 - Schutz aus Liebe. [Protection out of love.]
07 - Schutz aus Liebe. [Protection out of love.]
08 - Das kondom schutzt vor AIDS. Eine Aktion des Gesundheitsministeriums. [The condom protects against AIDS. An action of the Ministry of Health.]
09 - Das kondom schutzt vor AIDS. Eine Aktion des Gesundheitsministeriums. [The condom protects against AIDS. An action of the Ministry of Health.]
10 - Kunstler gegen AIDS die grosse arie. [Artists against AIDS, the greatest aria.]
11 - Time to act. Die CD zum World AIDS Day 1993. Jetzt hier erhaltlich.
12 - Time to act. Die CD zum World AIDS Day 1993. Das Konzert
13 - !Hola soy el condon RQTS! Cuido de veuestra salud. Ademas de higienico soy marchoso. Hay que usarme sin tabu. Entrenaros y disfrutadme. No me tires en el WC. Tirame a la basura. No me olvides! [Hi, I'm the condom RQTS. I take care of your health. Also, apart from hygienic, I am cool. I must be used without taboo. Go ahead and enjoy me. Don't throw me out in the toilet. Throw me in the garbage.]
14 - Image of group of famous Spanish models wearing red ribbon t-shirts.
15 - More safe sex around the clock. Between the sheets. Outdoors. For dessert. During close encounters.
16 - Todos somos iguales ante el Sida. El Sida ya es la primar causa de mortalidad entre los espanoles de 25 a 39 anos. Por encima de los accidents de circulacion. Preservate del sida. [All are equal before the AIDS. No further translation.]
17 - Image of various condoms. Caption: Slip into something safe and sexy.
18 - Dunkar varmt. Karleken ar ovarderlig. Att skydda den ar gratis. Lat inte radslan besegra dina kanslor.
19 - Kondom + vattenbaserat glidmedel = sakrare sex. Wvisste du att veselin, hudkramer och annat fett forstor kondomen? Men om du anvander vattenbaserat glidmedel ar du safe. Ta hand om dig - Kayo, artist [Did you know that vaseline, skin lotions and other fats destroy condoms, but if you use water-based lubricants you are safe.]
20 - Kondom + vattenbaserat glidmedel = sakrare sex. Ar du gay sa vet du sakert mycket om hiv. Du vet hur det smittar och inte smittar. Da vet du ocksa att det bara finns ett satt att kanna sig trygg - sakrare sex. Var radd om dig! - Dolph Lundgren, skadespelare.
21 - Make love not aids. Love question No. 345. Sommarent kan gora vem som helst galen. Man traffar en spannande flirt och vips ar man foralskad. Hosten kanns avlagsen och allt som finns ar det passionerade nuet. Anta att din sommarromans inte har nagot skydd. Hur galen ar du?
22 - Caption: Be a rubber hero. Love question No. 266: Efter vaggan lar vi oss ga, tala och cykla. Att rulla gummi kommer lite senare men kan vara nog sa nyttigt att kunna. Oavsett om man ar kille eller tjej. Carl Lewis springer 100 meter pa 9.86 sekunder. Hur snabbt far du pa en kondom?
23 - Stop AIDS
24 - Circo chen noite de gala. Receita reverte em beneficio da associacao abraco. Porque a alegria existe. [Because joy exists.]
25 - Para seu governo nao vamos cruzar os bracos. [Be aware! We won't cross our arms.]
26 - Solidariedade SIDA … nao marginalizar, compreender, apoiar, aomunicar, integrar, reflectir, nao temer, prevenir, conviver …[Solidarity … don't exclude, to understand, to support, to communicate, to include, to reflect, don't fear, to prevent, to live together.]
27 - Ici, si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez faire le test du sida. Celui-ci est toujours pratique avec votre accord. Parlez-en a votre medecin.
28 - Schutz aus Liebe [Protection out of love]
29 - Image of man and woman. Caption: Ik vrij veilig of ik vrif niet.
30 - Sex linien … Kondom [Sexline]
31 - Yo tu. Cada dia son mas los casos de hombres y mujeres afectados por el SIDA. Desgraciadamente, el SIDA existe. Afortunadament, formas de evitarlo, tambien. Haz tu vida normal. Y si tienes relaciones sexuales, utiliza un preservativo. Yo tu.
Expand 15 - Roll of posters from Greece15 - Roll of posters from Greece
Expand 16 - Roll of posters16 - Roll of posters
Expand 17 - Roll of posters17 - Roll of posters
Expand 18 - Roll of posters18 - Roll of posters
Expand 19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
Expand 20 - Roll of posters20 - Roll of posters
Expand 21 - Roll of posters21 - Roll of posters
Expand 22 - Roll of posters22 - Roll of posters
Expand 23 - Roll of posters23 - Roll of posters
Expand 24 - Roll of posters24 - Roll of posters
Expand 25 - Roll of posters from Sweden25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
Expand 26 - Roll of posters26 - Roll of posters
Expand 27 - Roll of posters27 - Roll of posters
Expand 28 - Roll of posters28 - Roll of posters
Expand 29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
Expand 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
Expand 31 - Mixed flat posterboards31 - Mixed flat posterboards
Expand 32 - Flat posters32 - Flat posters
Expand 02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
Expand 03 - Campaign and evaluation material03 - Campaign and evaluation material