
Ref NoGB 0809 Roberts/05
Extent2 boxes
TitlePapers and Publications
DescriptionPapers (drafts and published) and talks by Roberts (or co-authored) and related correspondence, that are not part of the research projects described in Roberts/03.
Titles include: 'His name in vain: Aneurin Bevan and the NHS' (nd); 'Economic Evaluation of Surveillance' (nd); 'Memorandum in Response to the House of Lords enquiry into infectious disease', 2002; 'Health professionals: views of contracting for infection control in the NHS internal market' (2002); 'Getting Ahead of the Curve: A strategy and its implementation' (2002); 'The gaps in the front line - some concerns about public health capacity in the UK'(2001); 'Governance in public health: Infectious disease in quasi markets' (c.2000); 'Economic aspects of food-borne outbreaks and their control' (2000); 'Management of the risk of infectious disease: organisational accountability' (c.2000) ; 'A shift in the epidemiology of Varicella-zoster virus: implications for pregnant women and possible control measures' (c.2000); 'Antenatal Screening for Syphilis in the UK' (1998-9); 'Tuberculosis Screening of new entrants - a worthwhile control measure of an intrusive irrelevance?' (1990); 'Changing childbirth: choices and costs' (1996); 'Dereugulating Health: policy lessons from the BSE affair' (1996); 'Health consequences of the Yorkshire drought order' (letter to Lancet 1995); 'Journeying to Agathotopia' includes hand-made collage(given at 17th ASPER conference LSHTM, 09/1995); 'Economic impact of infection upon the community' (1994); 'A brief history of the use of economics in planning and managing the NHS' (c.1994); 'Managing Markets' (1993); 'Buying health care: the role of consumer groups in the design of health care systems (1993); Memorandum to the Health committee on the NHS drugs budget'(1993); 'Community care in London: a pipe dream?' (1993); 'Early Discharge: a better use of resources?' (nd); 'The drama of the NHS' (in Critical Public Health, 3;1;1992); 'Privatisation of Health Services, Historical Overview (n.d); 'Opportunism, Altruism and Health Care' (draft,) nd; 'A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of minimally invasive direct coronary bypass grafting versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stenting for proximal stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery' (2004); 'Cost Benefit Analysis' (draft, 1980); 'Needs in the Lagging Regions (draft c.1990 Figuras, Normand, Roberts, McKee, Hunter, Karokis, Pope, Azene); 'Cost data for individual patients included in clinical studies: no amount of statistical analysis can compensate for inadequate costing methods' (2002, Graves, Walker, Raine, Hutchings, Roberts); 'Training Physicians to promote Community Health: an Academic Viewpoint' (draft 1984, Roberts, Hamilton) with comments.
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