Description | Bound volume containing:
Some observations in reference to this new School together with the introductory address for the session commencing 2 October 1899 by Patrick Manson.
A School of Tropical Medicine by Patrick Manson in Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute, 1899-1900.
The classification of Mosquitoes by F V Theobald, 1901.
Report of proceedings at the Royal United Service Insitution, opening of the third winter session, October 1901.
Notice to merchants and others interested in the Tropics c. 1902.
Schistosoma Cattoi: A new blood fluke of man by John Catto, Craggs prize essay, 1904.
Introductory address delivered by George H F Nuttall at opening of 19th session, 11/10/1905.
Introductory address delivered by Kenneth Macleod at opening of 22nd session, 8/10/1906.
The therapeutical treatment of mediterranean fever by means of vaccines etc by P W Bassett-Smith, Craggs Prize Essay, 1906.
Introductory address delivered by Sir Lauder Brunton at opening of 25th session, 21/10/1907.
Report of proceedings on the occasion of Professor W Osler delivering an address on the nation and the tropics in connexion with the winter session of the School, 26/10/1909.
Proceedings at the Mansion House at a meeting presided over by the Lord Mayor on 28/2/1912.
Address delivered at the Mansion House by Lewis Harcourt, 28/2/1912.
Speech by Sir Patrick Manson at Mansion House, 28/2/1912.
Accounts of LSTM, 1/8/1920-31/7/1921.
Tropical Health, the campaign against tropical disease in both human and plant life, British Empire Exhibition, 1924.
The hospital for tropical diseases, booklet.