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GB 0809 SIGMA Research - SIGMA Research
1 - HIV Conference Reports
2 - International HIV Conference Abstracts
3 - Non-UK Grey Literature
4 - UK HIV Basic Research
5 - UK HIV Epidemiology
6 - UK HIV Policy
1 - Report, 'Understanding HIV/AIDS: For Issue to all Polytechnic Staff'
2 - Pamphlet, 'HIV and AIDS in the Community'
3 - Report, 'Rape: from recording to conviction'
4 - Pamphlet, 'The Wrong Side of That Somewhere: Where public policy stops and private morals start for homosexual men and the criminal law'
5 - Report, 'Using Sexually Explicit Materials for Safer Sex Work with Gay Men'
6 - Report, Luxury or Necessity? HIV and Human Rights: A Policy Overview'
7 - Report, 'Primary & Secondary HIV Prevention Issues for African Communities'
8 - Booklet, 'HIV & AIDS Health Promotion: An Evolving Strategy'
9 - Report, 'Should We Promote HIV Testing?'
10 - Report, 'Commissioning HIV/AIDS Services: Some consideration for the future: Contracting for Complex Health Care: Purchasing services for HIV/AIDS'
11 - Report, 'Developing the Agenda - HIV Services in the Late 90s and beyond: Project Summary and Conclusions'
12 - Conference report, 'Making Links: the UK conference for the voluntary sector responding to HIV and AIDS'
13 - Booklet, 'Saving Lives, Saving Money: How government can change the way we think and act about AIDS'
14 - Guidelines, 'Principles, Policy & Practice: Guidelines for service user/people with HIV/AIDS involvement in AIDS Service Organisations
15 - Report, 'The feasibility of introducing HIV testing advice into AIDS public education'
16 - Report, 'HIV and AIDS on the World Wide Web: A practical guide for health professionals'
17 - Report, 'Developing the Agenda - HIV Services in the Late 90s and Beyond: Report of a Conference - 31 January 1997'
18 - Reports from the Consortium on Opportunities for Volunteering on HIV Volunteering
19 - Report, 'Quality framework for HIV Antenatal Testing Services in London'
20 - Report, 'Establishing a pan-London Framework for HIV Treatment Compliance'
21 - Report, 'Development of a National HIV Strategy'
22 - Report, 'All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS: Parliamentary Hearings for National HIV/AIDS Strategies'
23 - Report, 'Developing Service networks for HIV Care in London'
24 - Handbook, 'Health HIV and AIDS and the human Rights Act 1998
25 - Report, 'Standards for NHS hospital HIV services'
26 - Report, 'Managing resources in a time of change addressing inequities in HIV services'
27 - Report, 'Sexual Health Services in Enfield & Haringey: a guide for health & social care professionals'
28 - Report, 'Sexual Health Strategy 1999-2002: Working Towards Improving Sexual Health in East Sussex, Brighton and Hove'
29 - Report, 'Innovative HIV Prevention projects commissioned in 1997/98 by the South West London HIV Voluntary Sector Purchasing Consortium: a report on consultancy and evaluation of the projects'
30 - Guide, 'A Guide to Social Services for People Living with HIV'
31 - Report, 'Informing Policy: Issues for African communities affected by HIV'
32 - Newsletter, 'Loud Mouth: Educational Theatre Company'
33 - Annual Report, National AIDS Trust
34 - Booklet, 'Into the mainstream? The implications for HIV services of greater integration with sexual and other health services in the UK'
35 - Briefing paper, 'Developing Good Practice in HIV Prevention with South Asian men who have sex with men'
36 - Report, 'Review of the organisation of voluntary sector social care HIV social care
37 - Report, 'HIV & Sexual Health Promotion in the new NHS'
38 - Report, 'HIV Health Promotion Strategy: Review Group'
39 - Leaflet, 'Condom thickness'
40 - Report, '20 Things the Government can do to improve the lives of people in HIV'
41 - Briefing paper, 'Without prejudice: A guide for community safety partnerships on responding to the needs of lesbians, gays and bisexuals'
42 - Report, 'Social Exclusion and HIV'
43 - Report, 'Camden & Islington: HIV Prevention Strategy 1998-2001'
44 - Report, 'All-Party Parliamentary Group on AIDS: The UK, HIV and Human Rights: recommendations for the next five years'
45 - Report, 'Moderning HIV Services in London: A Strategy for HIV prevention, treatment and support services in London 2002/2005'
46 - Report, 'Towards a London HIV prevention strategy'
47 - Report, 'Prejudice, Discrimination and HIV'
48 - Report, 'Getting Ahead of the Curve: A strategy for combating infectious diseases (including other aspects of health protection)'
49 - Leaflet, 'The NHS in 2002: preparing for change'
50 - Report, 'Good practice guidelines for HIV health promotion with Black gay and bisexual men'
51 - Report, 'Policy Guidance on developing HIV primary care services'
52 - Report, 'Renewing Our Commitment: A HIV-Prevention and Strategy for Camden and Islington, 2002-2005'
53 - Review, 'Moving On: A review of progress on Gay Men's HIV prevention in Enfield & Haringey and Barnet 1996 - 2001'
54 - Report, 'The national strategy for sexual health and HIV: Implementation action plan'
55 - Report, 'Policy Guidance on integrating HIV health and social care services'
56 - Periodical, 'Impact: HIV Prevention: Current Debates'
57 - Report, 'Practice Guidance on involving people with HIV and other long term conditions in planning and developing services'
58 - Report, 'Practice Guidance for Primary Care Trusts on meeting the prevention needs of local communities at risk of HIV transmission'
59 - Report, 'Practice Guidance for Primary Care Trusts on meeting the prevention needs of local communities at risk of HIV transmission: a report'
60 - Report, 'House of Commons Health Committee: Sexual Health: Third Report of Session 2002-2003, Volume 1'
61 - Booklet, 'Local Basket of Health Inequalities Indicators: Executive Summary'
62 - Report, 'HIV prevention: a review of reviews assessing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the risk of sexual transmission: Evidence briefing'
63 - Periodical, 'Impact: Are you HIV Prejudiced?'
64 - Report, 'Migration and HIV: Improving Lives in Britain: An Inquiry into the Impact of the Uk Nationality and Immigration System on People Living with HIV'
65 - Periodical, 'Impact: HIV and Mobility'
66 - Periodical, 'wym - working with young men'
67 - Booklet, 'The needs of people living with HIV in the UK: a guide'
68 - Report, 'Doing it Well: A good practice guide for choosing and implementing community-based HIV prevention interventions with African communities in England'
69 - Report, 'Current Controversies in HIV management'
70 - Report, 'Recommended standards for sexual health services'
71 - Report, 'Respect and Responsibility: Strategy and Action Plan for Improving Sexual Health'
72 - Report, 'HIV and AIDS in African Communities: A Framework for Better Prevention and Care'
73 - Strategy document, 'The Sky's the Limit: The Manchester Sexual Health Strategy 2006-2009'
74 - Working paper, 'Whose Sexuality Counts? Poverty, Participation and Sexual Rights'
75 - Booklet, 'Verdict on a Virus: Public Health, Human Rights and Criminal Law'
76 - Booklet, 'Ours to Own: Understanding Human Rights'
77 - Review, 'Progress and priorities - working together for high quality sexual health'
78 - Booklet, 'Positively Leading by Taking Action: African HIV Policy Network Annual Report 2007-2008'
79 - Report, 'Moving Forward: Progress and priorities - working together for high-quality sexual health'
80 - Newsletter, 'Putting the Pieces Together: Testing, Support, Treatment, and Prevention'
81 - Report, 'Stop AIDS London 2 1/2 Year Report'
82 - Report, 'Building on progress: Enhancing the response to HIV in England'
83 - Report, 'Economics of HIV and AIDS in the North West of England'
84 - Report, 'Outreach Work with Men Who Have Sex With Men'
85 - Report, 'HIV/AIDS Strategy Conference Report'
7 - UK HIV Resource Documents
8 - UK Parliamentary Debates
Watercolour of the Isle of Wight by Sir Ronald Ross
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Conference Program, 11th International Conference on AIDS 1996.
Report, 'The Padare Project'
Watercolour of the Isle of Wight by Sir Ronald Ross
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