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GB 0809 Nutrition - Nutrition collection
01 - The Nyasaland (now Malawi) Survey 1938-1943
02 - Kenya-Uganda Railway Labour Efficiency Survey
03 - Volta River Project - Ghana
04 - The Gambia Experiment 1946-1950
05 - Applied Nutrition Unit
06 - Patty Fisher collection
07 - Professor Benjamin Stanley Platt papers
08 - Records relating to the publication of 'miscellaneous information about tropical foods', compiled by Miss Grant
09 - Professor Philip Payne papers
10 - The Culwick Papers 1934-1944
11 - Prisoner of War papers
12 - Dr W R Aykroyd papers
13 - Erica Wheeler papers
14 - Dr Wadsworth's manual on health aspects of nutrition in the Western Pacific
15 - Stoke obesity study - Mary Griffiths
16 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition papers
17 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - countries
01 - Africa
01 - Africa General
02 - East Africa
03 - Ghana (Gold Coast)
04 - Kenya
05 - Sierra Leone
06 - Uganda
07 - Nigeria
01 - Drafts of reports and papers of nutrition surveys in Nigeria
02 - 'The Nutrition of peasant farmers in Niger Province, Northern Nigeria' by Bruce Nicol
03 - Economic Advisory Council Committtee on Nutrition in the Colonial Empire documents
04 - Report on Kwashiorkor in Nigeria early 1960s (including demographic survey, land use, food resources, dietary patterns and medical survey)
05 - 'School meals service in Nigeria by area', by Miss GC Aberdean
06 - Draft report on the work of the Grain Legume Section in 1961 by WR Stanton, Regional Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Samaru
07 - 'Evaluation of the Lagos school meal service' by Dr RP Bhattacharya (Fellowship course in Food Science and Applied Nutrition, University of Ibadan) for the Nutrition Society of Nigeria
08 - Paper on Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos
09 - 'Evaluation of the Ilesha Applied Nutrition Project' for the Joint Congress of the Society of Health, Nigeria, and the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Zaria, March 31-April 2 1967 by IS Dema, JM Gurney and AO Olayeni
10 - 'Nutrition in the service of the community' by Dr IS Dema
11 - 'Outline of research programme and available results, Nutrition Unit, Federal Ministry of Health, W.A.I.T.R., Kaduna' which is a W.A.C.M.R. annual and progress report
12 - Report on Nigeria with chapters on 'Manpower and Employment', 'Nutrition' and 'Forests', this is part three of a larger report by J Ritchie
13 - A review of conditions and affairs in West Africa during 1961/62 covering Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and The Gambia
14 - Confidential report on the unreleased document 1964 Freedom from Hunger Campaign - report to the government of Nigeria - grain legumes for improved human condition, Rome
15 - A revised draft plan of operations for an expanded nutrition programme federation of Nigeria - Eastern Region. July 22, 1960. Agreement between The Government of the Eastern Region of Nigeria, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, World Health Organisation and the United Nations Children's Fund
16 - A report on the study of 504 consecutive pregnancies at Imesi-Ile Child Welfare and Ante-Natal Centre
17 - Nutrition and Health Education Seminar in Pointe Noire, 5-12 June 1962, involving CCTA, CIE, FAO, UNESCO, UNICEF and WHO
18 - 'Pellagra in Southern Nigeria associated with partial optic atrophy', by D Fitzgerald Moore
19 - Grain Legumes Conference, Samuru, December 1963
20 - 'The sociology and political economy of seasonal food shortage: some thoughts on Hausaland' by Michael Watts
21 - 'Report on a visit to Eastern Nigeria', by Dr J Cravioto
22 - 'Preliminary report of observations on health and diet, Awo Omamma, Nigeria, 1959-60' by Hazel M Hauck
23 - 'Hot climate physiology (scheme R.109) progress report for six months ending September 30th, 1949' by Dr WSS Landell
24 - 'Retrobular Neuritis Pellagra in Nigeria' by D Fitzgerald Moore
25 - 'Report January-August 1949 Yellow Fever Research Institute Yaba (Lagos), Nigeria, British West Africa' by Dr Richard G Hahn
26 - Experimental procedure
27 - 'Nutritional studies on breast milk of Nigerian women: changes in the major constituents of breast milk during a single feed'
28 - Advance copy: Department of Agriculture, northern region of Nigeria: annual report 1954-55: part II research and specialist services
29 - Advance copy: Department of Agriculture, northern region of Nigeria: annual report 1955-56: part II research and specialist services
30 - Advance copy: Department of Agriculture, Northern region of Nigeria: annual report 1956-57: part II research and specialist services
31 - Report on Nigeria
32 - Processing of milk and groundnut flour, recommendation of the Executive Director for an allocation
33 - 'Problems & needs in the feeding of the Nigerian school child' Dr IS Dema
34 - 'Protein and acid metabolism in Kwashiorkor' by JC Edozien, BA Elliot, OC Nwankwo and ME Obasi
35 - 'Farming practice, settlement pattern and population density in South-Eastern Nigeria' by WB Morgan
36 - Unidentified report concerning studies of malnutrition in Nigeria
37 - Ilora survey, UNICEF fellows' reports, University of Ibadan
38 - 'Food handling as influencing food consumption patterns' by Miss Shanti Sudersanam and Mrs Salome Dominguez
39 - 'Igbo-Ora survey, UNICEF fellows' reports, University of Ibadan' by KH Sibuga
40 - 'Report of nutritional studies of mid-western Nigeria'
41 - 'Report (progress) village survey, Ilesha area, western region, Nigeria' by Dr WRF Collis, Dr I Dema, Dr A Omolulu and Professor JC Edozien
42 - Minutes of the meeting of the council of the nutrition society of Nigeria held in the University of Ibadan on 20th May, 1966
43 - 'Sleeping sickness settlements in northern Nigeria' by JL McLetchie
44 - Notes on the 'development of teaching and research in agricultural extension and rural sociology at University College, Ibadan, Nigeria', by Dr Oluwasanmi and Professor RJ McIlroy, Faculty of Agriculture and 'a case for the development within Africa of teaching and research in extension and education', by GC Clark, FAO regional agricultural officer
45 - Nigeria I - physiology, infection and general medical interest
46 - 'Rainfall, drought and food supply in South Western Nigeria' by Colin High, Julius Oguntoyinbo and Paul Richards
47 - Paper on school meals programme in Lagos area by Dr BA Johnson
48 - Ilora survey, UNICEF fellows' reports, University of Ibadan
49 - 'Child Nutrition' by WRF Collis
50 - 'Technical report on Osegere Village nutrition survey', Food Science and Applied Nutrition Unit, University of Ibadan
51 - 'Observations called for by the Secretary of State upon the final section of the report by the food technology officer, Dr Byron'
52 - Cassava and Gari flour
53 - Groundnut flour
54 - Cocoa farmers survey in Western Nigeria
55 - Ladell's digestibility trials on Gari
56 - Map of Nigeria showing different areas of vegetation in 1940
57 - Map of the area of Uboma (Eastern Nigeria) by the Reconnaissance Survey by the Soil Survey Unit of the Eastern Nigeria Ministry of Agriculture 1964 showing the variation in the type of soil in each area (to accompany occasional paper no.6 of the World Land Use Survey 1966)
58 - Map of the area of Uboma (Eastern Nigeria) by the Reconnaissance Survey by the Soil Survey Unit of the Eastern Nigeria Ministry of Agriculture 1964 showing the type of land use in the area (to accompany occasional paper no.6 of the World Land Use Survey 1966)
59 - Diet sheet for use in boarding schools and other residential institutions in Northern Nigeria, for pupils from 12 years of age and upwards
60 - List of both Yoruba and Ibo food names with translations
61 - Food requirements in Nigeria
62 - Foods and food processing in Nigeria
63 - Professor Woodruff's anaemia in pregnant women and balance cases
64 - Map of the eastern region of Nigeria showing population density
65 - Map of Nigeria showing different agricultural zones
66 - 'Underutilization of public sector health facilities in Imo State, Nigeria, a study with focus groups', by EB Attah
67 - 'Occurance of toxicants in Nigerian foods', by Lekan Ajani
68 - 'The problem of the weaning years and after', by FEA Lesi
08 - Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia)
09 - Cameroon
10 - Republic of the Congo
11 - Lesotho (Basutoland)
12 - Sudan
13 - Swaziland (now Eswatini)
14 - South Africa
15 - Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
16 - Botswana (Bechuanaland)
17 - Seychelles
18 - Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)
19 - Somalia (Somaliland)
20 - Tanzania (Tanganyika)
21 - Zanzibar
22 - Malawi
23 - Egypt
24 - Zaire (Belgian Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo)
25 - Angola (Portuguese West Africa)
26 - Tunisia
27 - Rwanda
28 - Togo
29 - Madagascar
30 - Senegal
31 - Ivory Coast
32 - Libya
33 - Morocco
34 - St Helena
35 - Mauritius
02 - Asia
03 - Europe
04 - The Americas: North, Central & South America
05 - Oceania
06 - Middle East
18 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - subjects
19 - Nutrition Slide Collection
20 - Nutrition Policy Unit resource
21 - Professor Prakash Shetty papers
Watercolour of the Isle of Wight by Sir Ronald Ross
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