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GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
01 - Roll of posters
02 - Roll of posters
03 - Roll of posters
04 - Roll of posters
05 - Roll of posters
06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
07 - Roll of posters
08 - Roll of posters
09 - Roll of posters
10 - Roll of posters
11 - Roll of posters
12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
13 - Roll of posters
14 - Roll of posters
15 - Roll of posters from Greece
16 - Roll of posters
17 - Roll of posters
18 - Roll of posters
19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
20 - Roll of posters
21 - Roll of posters
22 - Roll of posters
23 - Roll of posters
24 - Roll of posters
25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
26 - Roll of posters
27 - Roll of posters
28 - Roll of posters
01 - Image of mosquitoes spelling out a word. Caption: Mucken Keine Aids-Gefahr
02 - Image of mid-section of male and female body. Caption: 17-bis 30jahrige, die bei neuen Sexualkontakten immer Praservative gebrauchen. Weiterso.
03 - Image of mid-section of female and female body. Caption: Personnes ahgees de 17 a 30 ans qui utilisent toujours un preservatif a chaque nouvelle rencontre. Continuez.
04 - Three images, of a man's body, a woman's body and a cell. Caption: Joy stick, Playstation, Game over. So tens uma vida, usa o preservativo
05 - Image of yellow writing on pink background. Caption: Kann man einen HIV-positiven Menschen liebkosen? JA! Weil man davon kein Aids bekommen kann, Machen wir Schluss mit Vorurteilen. STOP AIDS.
06 - Image of yellow writing on red background. Caption: Kan man einen HIV-positiven Menschen kussen? JA! Weil es mehr als kusse braucht, um Aids zu bekommen. Machen wir Scluss mit Vorurteilen. Stop Aids.
08 - Image of yellow writing on dark blue background. Caption: Kann man mit einem HIV-positiven Menschen schlafen? JA! Weil man sich mit Praservativen vor dem Aids-Virus schutzen kann. Machen wir Scluss mit Vorurteilen. Stop Ids.
09 - Image of two eyes looking towards each other. Caption: Les preservatifs stoppent le sida
10 - Yellow and white background. Caption: Schutzfaktor. Jetzt mit Gutesiegel
11 - Pink and white background. Caption: Hochsaison. Jetzt mit Gutesiegel.
12 - Pink writing on black background. Caption: Das Drogenproblem lasst sich nicht vom Tisch wischen Aber auf den Tisch bringen.
13 - Green writing on black background. Caption: Das Drogenproblem geht alle an. Alle. Nicht alle andern.
14 - Blue writing on black background. Caption: Es ist nie zu fruh, mit Jugendlichen uber Sucht zu sprechen. Aber schnell zu spat.
15 - Image of a man in a car with a condom on his thumb. Caption: Sans? Sans moi.
16 - Image of a well-dressed woman with a dog on her lap and a condom on her thumb. Caption: Sans? Sans moi.
17 - Image of a woman with a condom on her thumb. Caption: Ohne Praservativ? Ohne mich!
18 - Image of a woman with a condom on her thumb. Caption: Sans preservatif? Sans moi!
19 - Image of a man in a suit with a condom on his thumb. Caption: Sans? Sans moi.
20 - Image of a young woman with a condom on her thumb. Caption: Sans? Sans moi.
21 - Image of the night sky with a condom as the moon. Caption: Stop Aids
22 - Image of a woman with a cow and a condom on her thumb. Caption: Sans? Sans moi.
23 - Image of a woman and a man with a packet of condoms. Caption: Women get AIDS too. If it's not on it's not on.
24 - Image of a rose and a broken pot. Caption: Treu bleiben schutzt nicht nur vor Aids, sondern auch vor zerfetzten Liebesbriefen, zerpfluckten Fotoalben undbitteren Tranen. Stop Aids.
25 - Image of two eyes. Caption: La Fidelite Mutuelle stoppe le sida.
26 - Image of two eyes and a needle. Caption: Stop au sida! Ne commence pas!
27 - Drawn image of a green man with writing on him. Caption: Some of us inject, some of us don't. Always use clean needles - every time!
28 - Drawn image of a man watching a TV. Caption: It suddenly dawned on him…Lives could be saved if he approved AIDS treatment faster.
29 - Drawn image of a door with different doors within it. Caption: The woman with AIDS is not who you think. She's the girl next door.
30 - Image of women with young children. Caption: We want safe sex…now! For all sorts of reasons.
31 - Image of three women talking in a café. Caption: We want safe sex…now! For all sorts of reasons.
32 - Image of a man sitting on a bench. Caption: HIV testing scared the hell out o fme.
33 - Drawn image of an ornage man wearing a condom. Caption: Some of us have HIV, some of us don't. All of us fuck with condoms - every time!
34 - Drawn image of a man and woman having sex. Caption: Some of us are in love, some of us are in lust. All of us fuck with condoms - every time!
35 - Drawn image of a man in purple. Caption: Some of us get out of it, some of us don't. All of us fuck with condoms - every time!
36 - Image of two young women. Caption: We want safe sex...now! For all sorts of reasons.
37 - Image of two women leaning on a railing. Caption: We want safe sex…now! For all sorts of reasons.
38 - Image of a man injecting another man. Caption: Blasting? Use a new fit for every hit
39 - Image of two men holding each other. Caption: Sex happens. Use condoms nad lube together/
40 - Image of a group of men holding candles. Caption: In times of grief and loss. Let's face it together.
41 - Image of two interlinked male hands. Caption: Stronger than ever. We celebrate together.
42 - Image of man with material tied around his upper arm. Caption: Safe injecting and safe sex are in the same vein.
43 - Image of night sky (Lucerne) with condom as the moon. Caption: Stop Aids
44 - Image of night sky (Zurich) with condom as the moon. Caption: Stop Aids
45 - Image of woman with her head in her hands. Caption: Anna hat Aids. Wer wirft den ersten Stein?
46 - Mirror image of a woman. Caption: Dem Praservativ bin ich treu. Meinem letzten Freund war ich's nicht.
47 - Mirror image of a young man in a stripey shirt. Caption: Meiner Freundin bin ich nicht immer treu.
48 - Mirror image of a middle-aged man wearing a tie. Caption: Ich war keiner Frau ewig treu. Aber dem Praservativ schon.
49 - Mirro image of a man wearing a denim jacket. Caption: Dem Praservativ bin ich treu. Meinem Freund war ich untreu.
50 - Mirror image of a young woman wearing a necklace. Caption: In meiner Phantasie bin ich nicht immer treu. Im Leben immer.
51 - Image of a sunset with a condom as the sun. Caption: Stop Aids
52 - Image of a condom with black writing on a white background. Caption: Lebensversicherung ab 50 Rappen
53 - Image of a condom. Caption: Going far? Wherever you're going, remember to buy some condoms before you travel.
29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
31 - Mixed flat posterboards
32 - Flat posters
02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
03 - Campaign and evaluation material
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