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GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
01 - Roll of posters
02 - Roll of posters
03 - Roll of posters
04 - Roll of posters
05 - Roll of posters
06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
07 - Roll of posters
08 - Roll of posters
09 - Roll of posters
10 - Roll of posters
11 - Roll of posters
12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
13 - Roll of posters
14 - Roll of posters
15 - Roll of posters from Greece
16 - Roll of posters
17 - Roll of posters
18 - Roll of posters
19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
20 - Roll of posters
21 - Roll of posters
01 - Exposition solidarite.
02 - Don't forget to take one on holiday. Remember, it's not too late to buy some condoms.
03 - If you're leaving your inhibitions behind, take these with you.
04 - Image of man with mug, towel, spanner. Caption: Don’t worry about what you'll pick up at work. None of these will give you HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS. HIV is transmitted by unprotected sexual intercourse or sharing injecting equipment with a person who has the virus and from an infected mother to her unborn baby.
05 - Beach boys. Jetzt mit Gutesiegel. [Beach boys. Now with quality seal.]
06 - Schmuse. Keine Aids-Gefahr. [Necking. No danger of AIDS.]
07 - Intimate defence/Intimforsvar/Autodefense/
/AIDS kennt keine grenzen.
08 - HIV/AIDS is a problem for everyone. Sex feels better when you know it's safe. Use a condom, or explore other safer ways of having sex. Never share used needles.
09 - Caption: A SIDA transmite-se sobretudo por via sexual. E voce save. Entao porque e que nao faz nada?
10 - Image of hand pointing to the word 'SIDA'.
11 - Image of handprints and footprints. Caption: Stop SIDA
12 - Caption: SIDA Imunitate .. Chiar si cea parlamentara
13 - Image of condom on beach. Caption: SECS Societatea de educatie contraceptiva si sexuala - departamentul tineret - ministerul tineretului si sportului. Linistea lor poate fi si linistea voastra … !
14 - SECS Societatea de educatie contraceptiva si sexuala. O decizie bine gandita!
15 - SECS Societatea de educatie contraceptiva si sexuala.
16 - SIDA se transmite prin. SIDA nu se transmite prin.
17 - Title: Image of penis with condom as a hat. Caption: O
18 - Stop SIDA OK.
19 - SIDA
20 - Meta isto na cabeca de uma vez por todos. [Make up your minds - use this once and for all.]
21 - Circo chen noite de gala. Receita reverte em beneficio da associacao abraco. Porque a alegria existe. [Because joy exists.]
22 - Caption: Preservativo. Obrigatorio usar porque a SIDA existe.
23 - Image of two figures. Caption: Perlemor & Tootsie. Jo mere vi er sammer … Perlemore: Jeg gjor det fremdeles … Tootsie: Mmmm …
24 - Image of two prostitutes and man. Caption: Du kan kjope deg AIDS-smitte
25 - Image of man kissing woman. Caption: Et tilfeldig nummer kan gi deg AIDS-smitte.
26 - Image of woman. Caption: Jeg er hiv-smitter. Gi meg en klem. Omsorg smitter ikke.
27 - Image of baby. Caption: Dette barnet hadde aids. Men det dode av mangel pa hudkontakt. Omsorg smitter ikke.
28 - Image of man. Caption: Det er ensomheten som dreper meg. Omsorg smitter ikke.
29 - Image of two men. Caption: Glede og omsorg. Sikrere sex
30 - Image of group of skiers. Caption: AIDS-viruset tarikke paskeferie
31 - Ha en god reise - men sorg for a vaere kledd for enhver anledning!
32 - Image of hand with condoms on the fingers, one finger is shown as just bones. Caption: Cine nu se protejeaza … risca! 1994 calendar
33 - Images of how AIDS is and is not transmitted. Caption: Cum se transmite virusul … cum nu se poate transmite virusul. Nu exista vaccin impotriva bolii
34 - Image of naked man. Caption: Sikrere sex spennende sex. Snakk om sex!
35 - Image of man behind bars. Caption: Er det slik vi vil lose aids-problement? Omsorg smitter ikke.
36 - Image of man with text across face. Caption: This is Nick. He doesn't need safe sex, because his friends don't play around. Sleep well, Nick. Think about it. Have safe sex.
37 - Images of man and woman. Caption: Riskujes-li. Ne riskuj.
38 - Images of Anthony Perkins, Magic Johnson, Freddie Mercury. Caption: AIDS … nezna vyvolenych!
39 - Drawing of night skyline with pink condom representing the moon, endline: Stop AIDS
40 - Aquest es el virus que causa la SIDA. [This is the virus that causes AIDS]
41 - Image of man with his arm around woman. Caption: Faca o primeiro gesto. A SIDA nao se transmite pela amizade.
42 - Image of man and woman in sports kit. Caption: O port e d'Abraco! Abraco, Porto, Notaveis da cidade, Jogo de fuebol, Boavista, F.C. Futebol feminino. Porque a SIDA existe.
43 - Image of woman's face. Caption: AIDS HIV nie daj szansy wirusowi - Czas dzialac
44 - Image of doctor. Caption: Jag hoppas du slipper traffa mig.
45 - Image of man and woman. Caption: Tempo de actuar.
46 - Image of collage of figures. Caption: AIDS Linien
47 - Tu puedes cortar la cadena del SIDA. El SIDA es un problema de todos, podemos detener la propagacion del VIH - SIDA con la prevencion y la educacion. [You can cut the chain of AIDS.]
48 - Signatories to the AIDS charter (Depts/31/01/13/09)
22 - Roll of posters
23 - Roll of posters
24 - Roll of posters
25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
26 - Roll of posters
27 - Roll of posters
28 - Roll of posters
29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
31 - Mixed flat posterboards
32 - Flat posters
02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
03 - Campaign and evaluation material
Report, 'The Padare Project'
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U.K. AIDS poster, 1989
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