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Collapse GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Collapse 01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
Expand 01 - Roll of posters01 - Roll of posters
Expand 02 - Roll of posters02 - Roll of posters
Expand 03 - Roll of posters03 - Roll of posters
Expand 04 - Roll of posters04 - Roll of posters
Expand 05 - Roll of posters05 - Roll of posters
Expand 06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
Expand 07 - Roll of posters07 - Roll of posters
Expand 08 - Roll of posters08 - Roll of posters
Expand 09 - Roll of posters09 - Roll of posters
Expand 10 - Roll of posters10 - Roll of posters
Expand 11 - Roll of posters11 - Roll of posters
Expand 12 - Roll of posters from Portugal12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
Expand 13 - Roll of posters13 - Roll of posters
Expand 14 - Roll of posters14 - Roll of posters
Expand 15 - Roll of posters from Greece15 - Roll of posters from Greece
Collapse 16 - Roll of posters16 - Roll of posters
01 - Image of group of people in supermarket, including one in diving suit. Caption: Glem fromandsudstyret. Du behover ikke vaere bange for at fa AIDS I et supermarked. Sa tag det koligt. (Tilbud: Vafkod. Dybfrost. Prima salami.)
02 - Sla visiret op. Du behover ikke vaere bange for at fa AISD ved en bardisk. Sa kom bare frit frem. [Open up your armour. You don't have to be frightened of getting AIDS at a bar, so come out.]
03 - Wochenendration. [Weekend supply.]
04 - Lo peor del sida es el rechazo y la marginacion. Sin tu apoyo, Sida. Con tu apolo, vida.
05 - Reiseforsikringen mot hiv. NB! Det dikreste er a ta med kondomer fra norge. [Travel insurance against AIDS. NB! Warning given to take condoms from Norway to ensure the quality is satisfactory.]
06 - Quando mundo nos cai em cima as artes no tempo a sida. Exposicao no centro cultural de Belem. [When the world falls upon us, arts in AIDS age.]
07 - Porque a Sida existe. Use o preservativo. [Because AIDS exists. Use a condom.]
08 - Salva vidas [Saves lives (it also is the name for a lifebuoy)]
09 - SIDA mata. Mantenha esta linha em branco. Informe-se. [AIDS kills, don't fill in this line. Be informed.]
10 - SIDA ciempies. Para llevarlo mejor aprende a utilizar tu fuerza. [AIDS caterpillar (literally 100 feet). To deal with it, better learn to use your strength.]
11 - Fanteln nur mit Gummi. Kondome schutzen vor AIDS. [Screw only with rubbers.]
12 - Idoben kerjuk, vedekezzen! [In time please , Defense!]
13 - Sex er sjovt - og det skulle det gerne blive ved med. [Sex is fun - and should remain that way]
14 - SNID : profilaktyka vash shans [AIDS: prophylaxis is your chance.]
15 - Taenk dig om brug gummi. [Think of it, use a condom.]
16 - Sex er dejligt - og det skulle det gerne blive ved med. [Sex is wonderful - and should remain that way.]
17 - AIDS is challenge for all of us let's face it together.
18 - AIDS HIV nie daj szansy wirusowi - Czas dzialac [Don't give the virus a chance.]
19 - Bezpieczniej '94 [Safer '94]
20 - Prezerwatywa zmniejsza ryzyko AIDS. [A condom diminishes the risk of AIDS.]
Expand 17 - Roll of posters17 - Roll of posters
Expand 18 - Roll of posters18 - Roll of posters
Expand 19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
Expand 20 - Roll of posters20 - Roll of posters
Expand 21 - Roll of posters21 - Roll of posters
Expand 22 - Roll of posters22 - Roll of posters
Expand 23 - Roll of posters23 - Roll of posters
Expand 24 - Roll of posters24 - Roll of posters
Expand 25 - Roll of posters from Sweden25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
Expand 26 - Roll of posters26 - Roll of posters
Expand 27 - Roll of posters27 - Roll of posters
Expand 28 - Roll of posters28 - Roll of posters
Expand 29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
Expand 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
Expand 31 - Mixed flat posterboards31 - Mixed flat posterboards
Expand 32 - Flat posters32 - Flat posters
Expand 02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
Expand 03 - Campaign and evaluation material03 - Campaign and evaluation material