Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse GB 0809 SIGMA Research - SIGMA ResearchGB 0809 SIGMA Research - SIGMA Research
Expand 1 - HIV Conference Reports1 - HIV Conference Reports
Expand 2 - International HIV Conference Abstracts2 - International HIV Conference Abstracts
Expand 3 - Non-UK Grey Literature3 - Non-UK Grey Literature
Expand 4 - UK HIV Basic Research4 - UK HIV Basic Research
Expand 5 - UK HIV Epidemiology5 - UK HIV Epidemiology
Expand 6 - UK HIV Policy6 - UK HIV Policy
Collapse 7 - UK HIV Resource Documents 7 - UK HIV Resource Documents
1 - Booklet, 'HIV & AIDS: A Medical Briefing'
2 - Report, 'The MESMAC Guide: A Practical Resource for Community-Based HIV Prevention with Gay and Bisexual Men and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men'
3 - Book, 'Sexual Health Promotion in General Practice'
4 - Report, 'Talking spaces: A Therapeutic Groupwork Approach to HIV Prevention with Gay Men'
5 - Report, 'HIV and AIDS on the World Wide Web: A practical guide for health professionals'
6 - Newsletters, 'CHAPS News sheet'
7 - Book, 'RCGP Handbook of Sexual Health in Primary Care'
8 - Report, 'Health Promotion with Young People: An introductory guide to evaluation'
9 - Newsletter, 'European Forum on HIV/AIDS Children & Families'
10 - Report, 'Promoting Safer Sex: A History of the Health Education Authority's Mass Media Campaigns on HIV, AIDS and Sexual Health 1987-1996'
11 - Report, 'Doing Evaluation: A Framework for Action'
12 - Guide, 'Making sex education easier: A guide to sex education and sex education resources from Brook Publications'
13 - Leaflet, 'A resource guide on HIV health promotion in prisons'
14 - Seminar pack, 'Positive Rights: HIV & The Human Rights Act'
15 - Report, 'Staying Safe: Preventing youth homelessness through early intervention programmes'
16 - Training Pack, 'Getting Better with Practice: Practice Strategies for Primary Care Teams Offering Sexual Health Services and Support for Young People'
17 - Report, 'Safe for all: A best practice guide to prevent homophobic bullying in secondary schools'
18 - Report, 'Actively Promoting Health Toolkit'
19 - Report, 'Good practice guidelines for HIV health promotion with Black gay and bisexual men'
20 - Report, 'Information and Guidance on Engaging Young Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People'
21 - Report, 'Annual Report: Small Media Production for the London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership by the Camden and Islington Gay Men's Team, 2002-2003'
22 - Report, 'Media Relate: Teaching resources about the Media, Sex and Relationships for KS3'
23 - Report, 'Talking Spaces II: Evidence-Based Therapeutic Groupwork with Gay and Bisexual Men'
24 - Handbook, 'Sexual health, asylum seekers and refugees: A handbook for people working with refugees and asylum seekers in England'
25 - Booklet, 'PozFem UK: Women, HIV and Sexual Health in the UK'
26 - Report, 'Faith and HIV in Action: A Training Workshop for Christian Communities'
27 - Extracts from manual regarding the relationship between faith and HIV in the Muslim community
Expand 8 - UK Parliamentary Debates 8 - UK Parliamentary Debates