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Collapse GB 0809 Ross - Ross, Col Sir Ronald (1857-1932)GB 0809 Ross - Ross, Col Sir Ronald (1857-1932)
Expand 01 - Medals awarded to Sir Ronald Ross01 - Medals awarded to Sir Ronald Ross
Expand 02 - Photographs 02 - Photographs
Expand 03 - Letters, orders and records of service relating to Ross' career in the Indian Medical Service03 - Letters, orders and records of service relating to Ross' career in the Indian Medical Service
Expand 04 - Correspondence, applications and orders relating to Ross' research during his posts in India, from May 1895 to September 1897, and about an official inquiry into malaria 04 - Correspondence, applications and orders relating to Ross' research during his posts in India, from May 1895 to September 1897, and about an official inquiry into malaria
Expand 05 - Official applications for appointments, especially for malaria research made in 1897-1898, and orders and letters. 05 - Official applications for appointments, especially for malaria research made in 1897-1898, and orders and letters.
Expand 06 - Material on Ross' posting in Kherwara to relieve DC Johnstone06 - Material on Ross' posting in Kherwara to relieve DC Johnstone
Expand 07 - Letters relating to invitations to provide papers for the Indian Medical Congress and the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography (8th) Budapest07 - Letters relating to invitations to provide papers for the Indian Medical Congress and the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography (8th) Budapest
08 - Book of poetry: Edgar or the new Pygmalion and the Judgement of Tithonus by Ross
09 - Periodical: Scientific memoirs by medical officers of the army of India, edited by Sir Benjamin Simpson, Part III.
10 - Notebook kept during the Chin Lushai Expedition of 1889-1890 in Burma
Expand 11 - Articles by Ross on fever, malaria and the chest measurement of recruits11 - Articles by Ross on fever, malaria and the chest measurement of recruits
Expand 12 - Letters from Patrick Manson to Ross on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes12 - Letters from Patrick Manson to Ross on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes
Expand 13 - Letters from Ross to Patrick Manson on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes13 - Letters from Ross to Patrick Manson on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes
Expand 14 - Letters from Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran to Ross on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes	14 - Letters from Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran to Ross on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes
Expand 15 - Copies of letters from Ross to Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes15 - Copies of letters from Ross to Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran on Ross' research into the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes
Expand 16 - Letters from George Henry Falkiner Nuttall to Ross on Nuttall's research into the part played by insects in the spread of disease16 - Letters from George Henry Falkiner Nuttall to Ross on Nuttall's research into the part played by insects in the spread of disease
Expand 17 - Copies of letters from Ross to George Henry Falkiner Nuttall on Ross' research into kala-azar, and one letter from Nuttall to Ross17 - Copies of letters from Ross to George Henry Falkiner Nuttall on Ross' research into kala-azar, and one letter from Nuttall to Ross
Expand 18 - Photographs and letters relating to Ross writing his memoirs18 - Photographs and letters relating to Ross writing his memoirs
19 - Publication: The mode of infection in malaria: three more Ross-Manson letters, 1898 by Sir Ronald Ross
Expand 20 - Letters from Ross to Manson including information on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone20 - Letters from Ross to Manson including information on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone
Expand 21 - Material relating to Ross' service in India21 - Material relating to Ross' service in India
Expand 22 - Letter and article by Andrew Buchanan on mosquitoes and malaria sent to Patrick Manson22 - Letter and article by Andrew Buchanan on mosquitoes and malaria sent to Patrick Manson
Expand 23 - Correspondence on malaria and mosquitoes23 - Correspondence on malaria and mosquitoes
Expand 24 - Letters from Patrick Manson to Ross on the Ross-Manson correspondence24 - Letters from Patrick Manson to Ross on the Ross-Manson correspondence
Expand 25 - Material relating to the Ross-Manson correspondence including letters to a solicitors firm on the ownership of the correspondence, and letters with the London School of Tropical Medicine25 - Material relating to the Ross-Manson correspondence including letters to a solicitors firm on the ownership of the correspondence, and letters with the London School of Tropical Medicine
26 - Letter from Percy Alexander Macmahon, General Secretary, British Association to Ross on a paper: Verb-functions
Expand 27 - Copies of the Ross-Manson correspondence, extracts from Lord Lister's correspondence and a pamphlet: Two Ross-Manson letters27 - Copies of the Ross-Manson correspondence, extracts from Lord Lister's correspondence and a pamphlet: Two Ross-Manson letters
Expand 28 - Diary and notes of researches on malaria (with letters interleaved) India, Book 128 - Diary and notes of researches on malaria (with letters interleaved) India, Book 1
Expand 29 - Diary and notes of researchers on malaria and kala-azar India, Book 2 including interleaved correspondence, telegrams, patient notes, receipts and reports.29 - Diary and notes of researchers on malaria and kala-azar India, Book 2 including interleaved correspondence, telegrams, patient notes, receipts and reports.
Expand 30 - Reports and publications on sanitation by Ross30 - Reports and publications on sanitation by Ross
Expand 31 - Letters from patients in Bangalore to Ross31 - Letters from patients in Bangalore to Ross
Expand 32 - Newspaper cuttings on sanitation in India32 - Newspaper cuttings on sanitation in India
33 - Pamphlet: A catechism of vaccination for the use of vaccinators and others by Francis Joseph, revised by Ronald Ross
Expand 34 - Reports on the outbreak of cholera in the civil and military station of Bangalore34 - Reports on the outbreak of cholera in the civil and military station of Bangalore
Expand 35 - Correspondence and notes relating to Ross' work in India35 - Correspondence and notes relating to Ross' work in India
Expand 36 - Correspondence and manuscript reports on the cholera outbreak at Bangalore36 - Correspondence and manuscript reports on the cholera outbreak at Bangalore
Expand 37 - Letters and reports by S Amritaraj relating to sanitation and health in Bangalore37 - Letters and reports by S Amritaraj relating to sanitation and health in Bangalore
38 - Letter from SB Dhavle, Under Secretary to the Government of Bihar and Orissa to Ross in his role as Editor of the Annals of Tropical Sanitation, University of Liverpool and list showing names of officers and local bodies willing to subscribe to the Annals
Expand 39 - Published and unpublished papers by Ross on medical subjects written in India 1890 to 189939 - Published and unpublished papers by Ross on medical subjects written in India 1890 to 1899
Expand 40 - Photographs illustrating leucocytes, blood-plates etc under the microscope, done in Secunderabad in 1893 and used in Ross' Parkes Memorial Prize Essay in 189440 - Photographs illustrating leucocytes, blood-plates etc under the microscope, done in Secunderabad in 1893 and used in Ross' Parkes Memorial Prize Essay in 1894
Expand 41 - Reports on the infection of birds with proteosoma by the bite of mosquitoes by Ross41 - Reports on the infection of birds with proteosoma by the bite of mosquitoes by Ross
Expand 42 - Reports on the cultivation of proteosoma, Labbe, in grey mosquitoes by Ross42 - Reports on the cultivation of proteosoma, Labbe, in grey mosquitoes by Ross
Expand 43 - Cuttings and articles from medical journals by various authors and draft manuscripts on malaria, the Indian Medical Service and Indian Sanitation by Ross43 - Cuttings and articles from medical journals by various authors and draft manuscripts on malaria, the Indian Medical Service and Indian Sanitation by Ross
Expand 44 - Material relating to Edwin Lawrie and malaria44 - Material relating to Edwin Lawrie and malaria
Expand 45 - Manuscripts by Ross and correspondence45 - Manuscripts by Ross and correspondence
Expand 46 - Publications by Ross and Sir Patrick Manson 46 - Publications by Ross and Sir Patrick Manson
Expand 47 - Articles and letters in publications, mostly by Ross and Sir Patrick Manson47 - Articles and letters in publications, mostly by Ross and Sir Patrick Manson
Expand 48 - Letters to Ross on malaria 48 - Letters to Ross on malaria
Expand 49 - Journals and publications containing articles mostly on malaria by Ross and Sir Patrick Manson49 - Journals and publications containing articles mostly on malaria by Ross and Sir Patrick Manson
Expand 50 - Correspondence on a visit by Sir Patrick Manson to Henry George Plimmer and J Bancroft's work50 - Correspondence on a visit by Sir Patrick Manson to Henry George Plimmer and J Bancroft's work
Expand 51 - Italian publications on malaria by authors including Dr Amico Bignami, Giovanni Battista Grassi, Giuseppe Bastianelli, and Antonio Dionisi.51 - Italian publications on malaria by authors including Dr Amico Bignami, Giovanni Battista Grassi, Giuseppe Bastianelli, and Antonio Dionisi.
Expand 52 - Correspondence between Dr Thomas Edmondston Charles and Ross and material relating to the Italians research into malaria 52 - Correspondence between Dr Thomas Edmondston Charles and Ross and material relating to the Italians research into malaria
Expand 53 - Material on the Italian piracy of Ross' work including letters from Robert Koch, Patrick Manson, Louis Westenra Sambon, E Almquist, Charles Wilberforce Daniels, and Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, articles and manuscripts53 - Material on the Italian piracy of Ross' work including letters from Robert Koch, Patrick Manson, Louis Westenra Sambon, E Almquist, Charles Wilberforce Daniels, and Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, articles and manuscripts
Expand 54 - Publications on malaria by Italians authors including Dr Amico Bignami, Giovanni Battista Grassi and Giuseppe Bastianelli54 - Publications on malaria by Italians authors including Dr Amico Bignami, Giovanni Battista Grassi and Giuseppe Bastianelli
Expand 55 - Draft letters by Ross on GB Grassi and Giovanni Noe's work on filariasis55 - Draft letters by Ross on GB Grassi and Giovanni Noe's work on filariasis
Expand 56 - Material on Ross' dispute with Giovanni Battista Grassi including correspondence, draft manuscripts and articles published in the Italian periodical Il Policlinico56 - Material on Ross' dispute with Giovanni Battista Grassi including correspondence, draft manuscripts and articles published in the Italian periodical Il Policlinico
Expand 57 - Material on Ross' dispute with Giovanni Battista Grassi including correspondence with James Cantlie, Editor of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and the Editor of the British Medical Journal, manuscripts, unpublished articles and publications57 - Material on Ross' dispute with Giovanni Battista Grassi including correspondence with James Cantlie, Editor of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and the Editor of the British Medical Journal, manuscripts, unpublished articles and publications
Expand 58 - Correspondence relating to the matter of the removal of Ross' portrait at the Wellcome Medical Historical Museum 58 - Correspondence relating to the matter of the removal of Ross' portrait at the Wellcome Medical Historical Museum
Expand 59 - Press cuttings on Ross' inaugural lecture for the opening of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and a report of a fund raising dinner for the London School of Tropical Medicine59 - Press cuttings on Ross' inaugural lecture for the opening of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and a report of a fund raising dinner for the London School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 60 - Material relating to Ross' post at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine60 - Material relating to Ross' post at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 61 - Correspondence relating to Ross's appointment to and resignation from the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine61 - Correspondence relating to Ross's appointment to and resignation from the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine
Expand 62 - Correspondence and material about Ross' re-appointment to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine62 - Correspondence and material about Ross' re-appointment to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
63 - Life-history of the parasites of malaria by Ross in Nature, No.15553, vol 60.
Expand 64 - Letters, agreements with publishers and accounts for the book Mosquito Brigades by Ross64 - Letters, agreements with publishers and accounts for the book Mosquito Brigades by Ross
65 - Sur les travaux de la mission organisee par l'Ecole de medecine tropicale de Liverpool, pour l'etude de paludisme a Sierra Leone et sur une instruction put la prevention du paludisme by Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
Expand 66 - Notebook of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone to investigate malaria interleaved with correspondence with the School, Matthew Nathan - the Acting Governor of Sierra Leone, Mary Kingsley and William Henry Williams Strachan - Principal Medical Officer Lagos and a map of Freetown 66 - Notebook of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone to investigate malaria interleaved with correspondence with the School, Matthew Nathan - the Acting Governor of Sierra Leone, Mary Kingsley and William Henry Williams Strachan - Principal Medical Officer Lagos and a map of Freetown
Expand 67 - Reports, manuscripts and press cuttings on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone to investigate malaria 67 - Reports, manuscripts and press cuttings on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone to investigate malaria
Expand 68 - Publications on malaria and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone by various authors68 - Publications on malaria and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone by various authors
Expand 69 - Correspondence between Ross and Lord Lister, and related material69 - Correspondence between Ross and Lord Lister, and related material
Expand 70 - Manuscripts, published articles and letters on malaria and mosquitoes70 - Manuscripts, published articles and letters on malaria and mosquitoes
Expand 71 - Correspondence between Ross and Sir Alfred Lewis Jones, Chairman, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Alfred William Winterslow Dale, Principal, University College, Liverpool on Ross' duties and responsibilities in the School and on the rights to Ross' publications71 - Correspondence between Ross and Sir Alfred Lewis Jones, Chairman, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Alfred William Winterslow Dale, Principal, University College, Liverpool on Ross' duties and responsibilities in the School and on the rights to Ross' publications
Expand 72 - Articles and press cuttings relating to malaria and mosquitoes, and related topics72 - Articles and press cuttings relating to malaria and mosquitoes, and related topics
Expand 73 - Material on the publication of 'Malarial Fever, its cause, prevention and treatment' by Ross73 - Material on the publication of 'Malarial Fever, its cause, prevention and treatment' by Ross
Expand 74 - Material on Sierra Leone mostly relating to a letter written by William Thomas Prout to the editor of the British Medical Journal on the extermination of mosquitoes in Sierra Leone and the controversy surrounding his claims including a meeting of the Malaria Committee of the Royal Society, correspondence with the Colonial Office and letters from Matthew Logan Taylor who was employed as a research worker in Sierra Leone by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine74 - Material on Sierra Leone mostly relating to a letter written by William Thomas Prout to the editor of the British Medical Journal on the extermination of mosquitoes in Sierra Leone and the controversy surrounding his claims including a meeting of the Malaria Committee of the Royal Society, correspondence with the Colonial Office and letters from Matthew Logan Taylor who was employed as a research worker in Sierra Leone by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 75 - Material on the Gambia expedition of 1901 75 - Material on the Gambia expedition of 1901
Expand 76 - Gold Coast (now Ghana) Expedition 1901-1902 76 - Gold Coast (now Ghana) Expedition 1901-1902
Expand 77 - Material on the dispute over the discovery of the human trypanosome 77 - Material on the dispute over the discovery of the human trypanosome
Expand 78 - Material on Sir William MacGregor, Governor of Lagos, Nigeria78 - Material on Sir William MacGregor, Governor of Lagos, Nigeria
Expand 79 - Material on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone79 - Material on the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's expedition to Sierra Leone
Expand 80 - Material relating to James Coats Junior's gift of money to the Tropical Sanitation Fund, mainly to fund Ross' work on mosquito control in Sierra Leone80 - Material relating to James Coats Junior's gift of money to the Tropical Sanitation Fund, mainly to fund Ross' work on mosquito control in Sierra Leone
Expand 81 - Material on the administration of the Tropical Sanitation Fund81 - Material on the administration of the Tropical Sanitation Fund
Expand 82 - Material on malaria expedition to Sierra Leone 1901-190282 - Material on malaria expedition to Sierra Leone 1901-1902
Expand 83 - Reports, publications and course material on health issues such as malaria, sanitation and hygiene in Lagos, Nigeria 83 - Reports, publications and course material on health issues such as malaria, sanitation and hygiene in Lagos, Nigeria
Expand 84 - Research into arsenic in the hair of patients with beriberi84 - Research into arsenic in the hair of patients with beriberi
Expand 85 - Material on Ross' trip to Ismailia, Egypt in September 1902 to investigate malaria85 - Material on Ross' trip to Ismailia, Egypt in September 1902 to investigate malaria
Expand 86 - Award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine to Ross in 190286 - Award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine to Ross in 1902
Expand 87 - Letters of congratulation to Ross on being appointed a CB (Companion of the Bath)87 - Letters of congratulation to Ross on being appointed a CB (Companion of the Bath)
Expand 88 - Visit to St Louis and Panama September - October 190488 - Visit to St Louis and Panama September - October 1904
Expand 89 - Material on Ross' visit to Greece to advise on malaria eradication in June 190689 - Material on Ross' visit to Greece to advise on malaria eradication in June 1906
Expand 90 - Material on Ross' expedition to Mauritius to investigate and eradicate malaria in 1907-190890 - Material on Ross' expedition to Mauritius to investigate and eradicate malaria in 1907-1908
Expand 91 - Correspondence about a proposed Malaria Society91 - Correspondence about a proposed Malaria Society
Expand 92 - Material relating to Ross being an external examiner on the Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene at Cambridge University92 - Material relating to Ross being an external examiner on the Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene at Cambridge University
Expand 93 - Material on Ross' application for Chair of Protozoology at the University of London93 - Material on Ross' application for Chair of Protozoology at the University of London
94 - A British Nobel Prize - letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal, written by Ross but published anonymously 8 December 1906
Expand 95 - Correspondence regarding Ross' application for a Lectureship in Tropical Medicine at Edinburgh University95 - Correspondence regarding Ross' application for a Lectureship in Tropical Medicine at Edinburgh University
Expand 96 - Material on a visit by Ross to Brussels to treat Baron Dhannis96 - Material on a visit by Ross to Brussels to treat Baron Dhannis
Expand 97 - Material on a visit to Stockholm to attend the tenth anniversary celebration of the Nobel prize and to be appointed an Honorary Doctor of Medicine from the Karolinksa Institutet in December 191097 - Material on a visit to Stockholm to attend the tenth anniversary celebration of the Nobel prize and to be appointed an Honorary Doctor of Medicine from the Karolinksa Institutet in December 1910
Expand 98 - Expedition to Europe including visits to the New Centenillo Silver and Lead Mines in Spain and to the Lake Copais Company in Greece to advise on malaria eradication in 191398 - Expedition to Europe including visits to the New Centenillo Silver and Lead Mines in Spain and to the Lake Copais Company in Greece to advise on malaria eradication in 1913
Expand 99 - Material on the opening of Institut fur Schiffs und Tropenkrankheiten zu Hamburg (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany) and Ross' attendance at the opening ceremony99 - Material on the opening of Institut fur Schiffs und Tropenkrankheiten zu Hamburg (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany) and Ross' attendance at the opening ceremony
Expand 100 - Letters from Noel van Raalte to Ross asking advice on mosquito control on Brownsea Island, Dorset100 - Letters from Noel van Raalte to Ross asking advice on mosquito control on Brownsea Island, Dorset
Expand 101 - Material on Ross' visit to Cyprus to advise on malaria eradication in 1913101 - Material on Ross' visit to Cyprus to advise on malaria eradication in 1913
Expand 102 - Manuscripts and publications by Ross and others; related correspondence and press cuttings102 - Manuscripts and publications by Ross and others; related correspondence and press cuttings
Expand 103 - Material relating to India including the Conference on malaria at Nagpur 1902, Bombay Medical Congress 1909 and the anti-malaria campaign at Mian Mir103 - Material relating to India including the Conference on malaria at Nagpur 1902, Bombay Medical Congress 1909 and the anti-malaria campaign at Mian Mir
Expand 104 - Correspondence with and about EMG Parlato-Hopkins 104 - Correspondence with and about EMG Parlato-Hopkins
Expand 105 - Correspondence with friends after the publication of his Memoirs including George William Patrick Dennys, KN Appiah relating to his work with Ross on malaria research and Andrew Lang Browne105 - Correspondence with friends after the publication of his Memoirs including George William Patrick Dennys, KN Appiah relating to his work with Ross on malaria research and Andrew Lang Browne
Expand 106 - Material on malaria in Mian Mir, India106 - Material on malaria in Mian Mir, India
Expand 107 - Material relating to Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine and the Mulkowal incident107 - Material relating to Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine and the Mulkowal incident
Expand 108 - Material on lectures given by Ross108 - Material on lectures given by Ross
Expand 109 - Material relating to Ross' research work while at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine109 - Material relating to Ross' research work while at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 110 - Material on cryotherapy research (use of a cold chamber) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and King's College Hospital, London110 - Material on cryotherapy research (use of a cold chamber) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and King's College Hospital, London
Expand 111 - Letters and press cuttings from Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence to Ross on his theory on Bacon writing Shakespeare111 - Letters and press cuttings from Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence to Ross on his theory on Bacon writing Shakespeare
Expand 112 - Material on research projects conducted in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine112 - Material on research projects conducted in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 113 - Material relating to Ross' work at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine113 - Material relating to Ross' work at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 114 - Material on Parliamentary Actions for malaria returns by Members of Parliament114 - Material on Parliamentary Actions for malaria returns by Members of Parliament
Expand 115 - Material on a proposal for a British prize for medical research115 - Material on a proposal for a British prize for medical research
Expand 116 - Report by Ross to the Board of Education on the financial position of the London School of Tropical Medicine116 - Report by Ross to the Board of Education on the financial position of the London School of Tropical Medicine
Expand 117 - Material on Ross' claim for reward for his scientific discovery, includes material on Edward Jenner's reward for the discovery of vaccination and correspondence with others who he encourages to petition the government for monetary reward117 - Material on Ross' claim for reward for his scientific discovery, includes material on Edward Jenner's reward for the discovery of vaccination and correspondence with others who he encourages to petition the government for monetary reward
Expand 118 - Material on the dismissal of Richard P Cowl from the University of Bristol and the proposed investigation into the administration of the University118 - Material on the dismissal of Richard P Cowl from the University of Bristol and the proposed investigation into the administration of the University
Expand 119 - Material on Ross' campaign to improve conditions and pay of those working on medical research, including a pension scheme for tropical medicine workers119 - Material on Ross' campaign to improve conditions and pay of those working on medical research, including a pension scheme for tropical medicine workers
Expand 120 - Correspondence, mostly between Ross and William Martin, on changes to the Patent Laws to encourage scientific research120 - Correspondence, mostly between Ross and William Martin, on changes to the Patent Laws to encourage scientific research
Expand 121 - Material on Ross' campaign to receive monetary reward for his discovery of the mosquito transmission of malaria121 - Material on Ross' campaign to receive monetary reward for his discovery of the mosquito transmission of malaria
Expand 122 - Material on a proposed monument to Ross and WC Gorgas at Panama to commemorate the medical men who made the canal possible122 - Material on a proposed monument to Ross and WC Gorgas at Panama to commemorate the medical men who made the canal possible
Expand 123 - Letter and photograph from JE Pincher on John Holt, African Ship Owner and Merchant123 - Letter and photograph from JE Pincher on John Holt, African Ship Owner and Merchant
124 - Letter from Ernesto Cacace to Ross
Expand 125 - Correspondence on Ross's application for the governorship of Western Australia125 - Correspondence on Ross's application for the governorship of Western Australia
Expand 126 - Correspondence on a proposed visit to Australia by Ross126 - Correspondence on a proposed visit to Australia by Ross
Expand 127 - Material on letters by Ross and others to the Times on various subjects including the death of William Crawford Gorgas, a proposed malaria bureau and Ross' election as a Foreign Associate of the Academie de Medecine, Paris127 - Material on letters by Ross and others to the Times on various subjects including the death of William Crawford Gorgas, a proposed malaria bureau and Ross' election as a Foreign Associate of the Academie de Medecine, Paris
Expand 128 - Press cuttings and letters relating to the death of Sir Patrick Manson on 9 April 1922, including Ross' criticism of the information in some of the obituaries relating to Manson's role in the discovery of the mosquito transmission of malaria128 - Press cuttings and letters relating to the death of Sir Patrick Manson on 9 April 1922, including Ross' criticism of the information in some of the obituaries relating to Manson's role in the discovery of the mosquito transmission of malaria
Expand 129 - Material including obituaries and correspondence relating to the death of Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran129 - Material including obituaries and correspondence relating to the death of Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
Expand 130 - Material on a visit to Paris for the commemorative celebration of the death of Edward Jenner at the Academie de Medecine, Institut Superior de Vaccine on 23 January 1923130 - Material on a visit to Paris for the commemorative celebration of the death of Edward Jenner at the Academie de Medecine, Institut Superior de Vaccine on 23 January 1923
Expand 131 - Lectures delivered by Ross to various institutions and organisations131 - Lectures delivered by Ross to various institutions and organisations
Expand 132 - Letters to the press and occasional publications and papers by Ross, mainly on scientific subjects but also on poetry, prohibition and women's suffrage132 - Letters to the press and occasional publications and papers by Ross, mainly on scientific subjects but also on poetry, prohibition and women's suffrage
Expand 133 - Material relating to Ross' war service including correspondence on his role with the Territorial Forces at the 1st Western General Hospital in Liverpool133 - Material relating to Ross' war service including correspondence on his role with the Territorial Forces at the 1st Western General Hospital in Liverpool
Expand 134 - Material on Ross' role as Consulting Physician in Tropical Diseases to the hospitals for Indian troops in England (Brighton, Bournemouth, Brockenhurst and Netley)134 - Material on Ross' role as Consulting Physician in Tropical Diseases to the hospitals for Indian troops in England (Brighton, Bournemouth, Brockenhurst and Netley)
Expand 135 - Material on Ross' work during the First World War including material on anti-malaria measures in Salonika, Ross' appointment as Consultant for Malaria in Southern England, his promotion to Colonel, demobilisation and an article on malaria for the Official Medical History of the War135 - Material on Ross' work during the First World War including material on anti-malaria measures in Salonika, Ross' appointment as Consultant for Malaria in Southern England, his promotion to Colonel, demobilisation and an article on malaria for the Official Medical History of the War
Expand 136 - Material on Ross' pay conditions during the war136 - Material on Ross' pay conditions during the war
Expand 137 - Material on Ross' service during the First World War in the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force137 - Material on Ross' service during the First World War in the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
Expand 138 - Material on the publishing of the book The Prevention of Malaria (1910) by Ross138 - Material on the publishing of the book The Prevention of Malaria (1910) by Ross
Expand 139 - Material on the publication of Memoirs by Ross139 - Material on the publication of Memoirs by Ross
Expand 140 - Material relating to Sir Malcolm Watson, Cyril Strickland and malaria control in the Federated Malay States140 - Material relating to Sir Malcolm Watson, Cyril Strickland and malaria control in the Federated Malay States
Expand 141 - Letters and press cuttings on sleeping sickness141 - Letters and press cuttings on sleeping sickness
Expand 142 - Letters and press cuttings regarding the discovery and research of Leishmania Donovani142 - Letters and press cuttings regarding the discovery and research of Leishmania Donovani
Expand 143 - Sir Patrick Manson's Malaria chart 143 - Sir Patrick Manson's Malaria chart
Expand 144 - Correspondence between Ross and various individuals on malaria and related subjects144 - Correspondence between Ross and various individuals on malaria and related subjects
Expand 145 - Letters and correspondence with various individuals including George Henry Falkiner Nuttall, Sir William MacGregor, Sir Patrick Manson, Walter Gawan King and Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran145 - Letters and correspondence with various individuals including George Henry Falkiner Nuttall, Sir William MacGregor, Sir Patrick Manson, Walter Gawan King and Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
Collapse 146 - Letters and press cuttings relating to Ross and on a variety of subjects, arranged by year146 - Letters and press cuttings relating to Ross and on a variety of subjects, arranged by year
Expand 01 - 1899 letters01 - 1899 letters
Expand 02 - 1900 letters02 - 1900 letters
Expand 03 - 1901 letters03 - 1901 letters
Expand 04 - 1902 letters04 - 1902 letters
Expand 05 - 1903 letters and press cuttings05 - 1903 letters and press cuttings
Expand 06 - 1904 letters and press cuttings06 - 1904 letters and press cuttings
Expand 07 - 1905 letters and press cuttings07 - 1905 letters and press cuttings
Expand 08 - 1906 letters and press cuttings08 - 1906 letters and press cuttings
Expand 09 - 1907 letters and press cuttings09 - 1907 letters and press cuttings
Expand 10 - 1908 letters and press cuttings10 - 1908 letters and press cuttings
Expand 11 - 1909 letters and press cuttings11 - 1909 letters and press cuttings
Expand 12 - 1910 letters and press cuttings12 - 1910 letters and press cuttings
Expand 13 - 1911 letters and press cuttings13 - 1911 letters and press cuttings
Expand 14 - 1912 letters and press cuttings14 - 1912 letters and press cuttings
Expand 15 - 1913 letters and press cuttings15 - 1913 letters and press cuttings
Expand 16 - 1914 letters and press cuttings16 - 1914 letters and press cuttings
Expand 17 - 1915 letters and press cuttings17 - 1915 letters and press cuttings
Expand 18 - 1916 letters and press cuttings18 - 1916 letters and press cuttings
Expand 19 - 1917 letters and press cuttings19 - 1917 letters and press cuttings
Expand 20 - 1918 letters and press cuttings20 - 1918 letters and press cuttings
Expand 21 - 1919 letters and press cuttings21 - 1919 letters and press cuttings
Expand 22 - 1920 letters and press cuttings22 - 1920 letters and press cuttings
Collapse 23 - 1921 letters and press cuttings23 - 1921 letters and press cuttings
01 - Press cutting: Scourge of the World. How mosquitoes have held up civilisation in Morning Post
02 - Press cutting: Paragraph on Ross being a genius and not being paid for his discovery in the Sunday Chronicle
03 - Press cutting: Encephalitis lethargica in Yorkshire Observer
04 - Press cutting: The charm of Norway. Lord Bryce on a world-trust in Times
05 - Press cutting: Art in Daily Telegraph
06 - Press cutting: Mosquitoes and malaria in Chambers Journal
07 - Press cutting: Value of science. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu on waste of coal in Morning Post
08 - Press cutting: Education in India, letter from Medicus to the editor of the Nation
09 - Press cutting: Medical service in industry in Chamber of Commerce Journal
10 - Press cutting: Education in India, letter from RM Palat to the editor of Nation and Athenaeum
11 - Press cutting: Snake venom cure. Dr. Ronald Ross sceptical about its efficacy in epilepsy cases in Daily Sketch
12 - Press cutting: Medical service in industry. The relation of a man's work to his health in Hardware Trade Journal
13 - Press cutting: The dominion ministers. League of Nations Union dinner in Times
14 - Press cutting: Segregation in West Africa, in theory and practice in West Africa
15 - Press cutting: How malaria decided the fate of empires in Northern Daily Mail
16 - Press cutting: Science Progress in Saturday Review
17 - Press cutting: Doctors, old and new. From the era of magic to the science of preventive medicine by Dean Inge in Evening Standard
18 - Press cutting: Periodicals in Times Literary Supplement
19 - Press cutting: Natural history. Biting flies in Ceylon. Interesting paper by Mr Senior White in the Ceylon Observer
20 - Press cutting: The hospital spirit in Times
21 - Press cutting: The soul of the hospital. Fighting disease and the cost. Insurance experiment by Ernest William Morris in Times
22 - Press cutting: "The soul of the hospital" in Medical Press and Circular
23 - Press cutting: Our handbook. Payment by luck or merit by Mermit in Referee.
24 - Press cutting: The foreign missionary in Yorkshire Observer
25 - Press cutting: Tropical medicine. Progress of the London School in Times
26 - Press cutting: Grand day at Gray's Inn in Morning Post
27 - Press cutting: Dinner. Gray's Inn in Times
28 - Press cutting: Tropical Medicine in Times
29 - Press cutting: An imperial service in Times Weekly Edition
30 - Press cutting: The London School of Tropical Medicine in British Medical Journal
31 - Press cutting: How to find things out in John o'London's
32 - Press cutting: More "numbers" in Bulletin
33 - Press cutting: The prevention of malaria in African World and Cape-Cairo Express
34 - Press cutting: Some films to think about GA Atkinson in Daily Express
35 - Press cutting: Tropical disease research in tropics. Establishment of Sir Alfred L. Jones laboratory at Sierra Leone. Colonial Secretary on tropical diseases research in Journal of Commerce
36 - Press cutting: An announcement that Ross has been elected a foreign associate of the Academie de Medecine, Paris in the Daily Graphic
37 - Press cutting: French honour for Sir Ronald Ross in Evening Dispatch
38 - Press cutting: A paragraph announcing that Ross and two others have been elected foreign associates of the Academie de Medecine, Paris in the Manchester Guardian
39 - Press cutting: Sir Ronald Ross in Pall Mall Gazette & Globe
40 - Press cutting: An announcement that Ross and two others have been elected foreign associates of the Academie de Medicine, Paris in the Times
41 - Press cutting: Academy of Medicine in the Westminster Gazette
42 - Press cutting: An announcement, including a photograph, that Ross has been elected a foreign associate of the Academie de Medicine, Paris in the Daily Sketch
43 - Press cutting: A romance of medicine. Discovery of malaria carrying mosquito. New honour for Sir Ronald Ross in Evening Express
44 - Press cutting: Life-war on a parasite . Sir Ronald Ross's campaign against malaria. Groping in the dark. Revelation that came to a Surgeon-Major in India in the Evening News
45 - Press cutting: Sir Ronald Ross K.C.B in Liverpool Courier
46 - Press cutting: Sir Ronald Ross's honour in Liverpool Echo
47 - Press cutting: An announcement that Ross has been elected a foreign associate of the Academie de Medecine, Paris in the Morning Post
48 - Press cutting: Malaria expert. West African researches of Sir Ronald Ross in Westminster Gazette
49 - Press cutting: The French Institute in the Daily Chronicle
50 - Press cutting: Sir Ronald Ross in Journal of Commerce
51 - Press cutting: A paragraph about Ross on his election as foreign associate of the Academie de Medicine, Paris in the Civil and Military Gazette
52 - Letter from Arnold White
53 - Seating plan for the Norwegian Club dinner
54 - Letter from Raymond H Arnot, President of Rochester Modern History Club
55 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Raymond H Arnot, President of Rochester Modern History Club
56 - Note on an envelope by Ross saying that 31 men were coming to a dinner given by the Tropical Diseases Clinic.
57 - Anonymous letter
58 - Letter from AB Edwards to Arthur Gerald Welsford
59 - A list of extra guests at the dinner given by the Tropical Diseases clinic at the Café Royal.
60 - Letter from U Aubin, General Manager Café Royal Ltd to Arthur Gerald Welsford
61 - Note by Ross on the wines and cigars at the dinner of the Tropical Diseases Clinic at the Café Royal.
62 - Receipt for £25 from the Cafe Royal
63 - Bill from Café Royal.
64 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Superintendent, Café Royal Ltd
65 - Letter from H J S Whittaker, Cashier, Café Royal Ltd
66 - Letter from Rana Bhawani Singh, Maharaj of Jhalawar
67 - Letter from Major Greenwood
68 - Letter from Major Greenwood
69 - Letter from Sir Samuel Squire Sprigge, Editor of the Lancet
70 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Sir Samuel Squire Sprigge, Editor of Lancet
71 - Letter from Ernest K Challenger
72 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Ernest K Challenger
73 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Sir William Henry Bragg
74 - Letter from Sir William Henry Bragg
75 - Invitation to a dinner for representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation on 13 June 1921
76 - Table plan for dinner of Representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation
77 - Menu and toast list for dinner for the representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation
78 - Press cutting: War on disease. Rockefeller Foundation in the Daily Telegraph
79 - Press cutting: Rockefeller guests. Mr Churchill on achievements of medicine in the Morning Post
80 - Index to tables for a Ladies' Dinner at the Savage Club
81 - Letter from Albert Woldert
82 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Albert Woldert
83 - Letter from Sir William Maurice Abott Anderson
84 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Sir William Maurice Abott Anderson
85 - Letter from Sir William Maurice Abott Anderson
86 - Letter from Rana Bhawani Singh, Maharaj of Jhalawar
87 - Letter from Rana Bhawani Singh, Maharaj of Jhalawar
88 - Letter from Rana Bhawani Singh, Maharaj of Jhalawar
89 - Letter from Keith Waldegrave Monsarrat, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Liverpool University
90 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Keith Waldegrave Monsarrat, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Liverpool University
91 - Letter from J. Brett Langstaff
92 - Invitation to dinner from Treasurer and Masters of the Bench, Honourable Society of Gray's Inn on 11 November
93 - Letter from Lord Queenborough
94 - Postcard from Katie Hutchinson
95 - Copy of a letter from Ross to Katie Hutchinson
Expand 24 - 1922 letters and press cuttings24 - 1922 letters and press cuttings
Expand 25 - 1923 letters and press cuttings25 - 1923 letters and press cuttings
Expand 26 - Letters and press cuttings26 - Letters and press cuttings
Expand 27 - 1925 letters and press cuttings27 - 1925 letters and press cuttings
Expand 28 - 1926 letters and press cuttings28 - 1926 letters and press cuttings
Expand 29 - 1927 letters and press cuttings29 - 1927 letters and press cuttings
Expand 30 - 1928 letters and press cuttings30 - 1928 letters and press cuttings
Expand 147 - Material relating to the Advisory Committee of the Tropical Diseases Research Fund, the Colonial Office, malaria returns and correspondence147 - Material relating to the Advisory Committee of the Tropical Diseases Research Fund, the Colonial Office, malaria returns and correspondence
Expand 148 - Correspondence between Ross and the Editors of periodicals on Ross' contributions148 - Correspondence between Ross and the Editors of periodicals on Ross' contributions
Expand 149 - Material relating to malaria treatment in hospitals in London, Oxford, Aldershot and Guildford149 - Material relating to malaria treatment in hospitals in London, Oxford, Aldershot and Guildford
Expand 150 - Lectures, addresses and some letters to the press from 1921 to 1925 150 - Lectures, addresses and some letters to the press from 1921 to 1925
Expand 151 - Material relating to Ross' publications including Prevention of Malaria151 - Material relating to Ross' publications including Prevention of Malaria
Expand 152 - Material on the question of malaria priority and the dispute between Ross and Giovanni Battista Grassi152 - Material on the question of malaria priority and the dispute between Ross and Giovanni Battista Grassi
Expand 153 - Material on a trip to Russia by Ross as part of a British delegation in 1912153 - Material on a trip to Russia by Ross as part of a British delegation in 1912
Expand 154 - Publications by Ross 154 - Publications by Ross
Expand 155 - Publications on Ross and related subjects155 - Publications on Ross and related subjects
Expand 156 - Material including correspondence, list of achievements, notes and sketches for Ross' autobiography Memoirs156 - Material including correspondence, list of achievements, notes and sketches for Ross' autobiography Memoirs
Expand 157 - Diaries157 - Diaries
158 - A book of pencil and watercolour sketches of the Isle of Wight, with a few of Ireland and some figures copied from Retsch's outlines of Faust
Expand 159 - Material on Ross' inventions including ear plugs and a clinical automatic thermometer159 - Material on Ross' inventions including ear plugs and a clinical automatic thermometer
Expand 160 - Set of notebooks and diaries160 - Set of notebooks and diaries
Expand 161 - Material on the establishment of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases161 - Material on the establishment of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases
Expand 162 - Honours and awards presented to Ross162 - Honours and awards presented to Ross
Expand 163 - Material on Ross' work on statistics and mathematics including correspondence, publications and mathematical workings163 - Material on Ross' work on statistics and mathematics including correspondence, publications and mathematical workings
Expand 164 - Publications by Ross164 - Publications by Ross
166 - Photocopy of a letter from Ross to George Miller Sternburg, Chief of the Medical Staff, United States Army
Expand 167 - Letters on malaria eradication by Ross, written in Mauritius during his visit there in 1908167 - Letters on malaria eradication by Ross, written in Mauritius during his visit there in 1908
Expand 168 - Letters and correspondence on a number of subjects168 - Letters and correspondence on a number of subjects
Expand 169 - Correspondence relating to the disposition of the Ross papers at the Ross Institute169 - Correspondence relating to the disposition of the Ross papers at the Ross Institute
Expand 170 - Letters to Ross and correspondence on a variety of subjects170 - Letters to Ross and correspondence on a variety of subjects
Expand 171 - Copy of a catalogue of the Ross Archives as compiled by Ross, list of objects and letter to the Times171 - Copy of a catalogue of the Ross Archives as compiled by Ross, list of objects and letter to the Times
Expand 172 - Copies of correspondence between Ross and Sir Patrick Manson172 - Copies of correspondence between Ross and Sir Patrick Manson
Expand 173 - Material relating to malaria and World War One173 - Material relating to malaria and World War One
Expand 174 - Scientific Artefacts174 - Scientific Artefacts
175 - Press cuttings following the death of Sir Ronald Ross 16th September, 1932, aged 75.
Expand 176 - Publications by Ross176 - Publications by Ross
Expand 177 - Miscellaneous papers177 - Miscellaneous papers
Expand 178 - Material including correspondence, manuscripts, research papers, publications and related papers, on a variety of topics178 - Material including correspondence, manuscripts, research papers, publications and related papers, on a variety of topics
Expand 179 - Journal articles and other papers written by Ross, includes material on malaria, sleeping sickness and mathematics.179 - Journal articles and other papers written by Ross, includes material on malaria, sleeping sickness and mathematics.
Expand 180 - Scientific Publications by Ross180 - Scientific Publications by Ross
Expand 181 - Lists of Sir Ronald Ross' publications, medals and honours.181 - Lists of Sir Ronald Ross' publications, medals and honours.
182 - Sir Ronald Ross' Archive
Expand 183 - Pamphlets celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Sir Ronald Ross' discovery183 - Pamphlets celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Sir Ronald Ross' discovery
Expand 184 - Facsimiles of Sir Ronald Ross Archive184 - Facsimiles of Sir Ronald Ross Archive