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Collapse GB 0809 Rogers - Rogers, Major General Sir Leonard (1868-1962)GB 0809 Rogers - Rogers, Major General Sir Leonard (1868-1962)
Expand 01 - Manuscripts of books 01 - Manuscripts of books
Expand 02 - Manuscripts of articles02 - Manuscripts of articles
Expand 03 - Reports03 - Reports
Expand 04 - Correspondence04 - Correspondence
Expand 05 - Additional material05 - Additional material
Expand 06 - Leprosy drawings by HS Mandal06 - Leprosy drawings by HS Mandal
Collapse 07 - Reprints07 - Reprints
01 - Gleanings from the Calcutta post-mortem records, IV - Cirrohsis of the liver
02 - Gleanings from the Calcutta post-mortem records, VIII - The primary causes of death and the most frequent errors of diagnosis in 1,000 medical post-mortems
03 - Sodium antimonyl tartrate vel tartar emetic in Kala-azar
04 - Colloid antimony sulphide intravenously in Kala-azar with a note on antimony oxide orally
05 - Further experience in the tartar emetic treatment of kala-azar including its use in young children
06 - Preliminary note on the treatment of Kala-azar by tartar emetic intravenously and inunctions of metallic antimony
07 - The uniform success of segregation measures in eradicating Kala-azar from Assam tea gardens: its bearing on the probable mode of infection
08 - Is seven day fever of Indian ports only sporadic dengue?
09 - The differentiation of the continued and remittent fevers of the tropics by the blood changes
10 - The results of segregation cases and moving from infected sites in eradicating the Assam epidemic malarial fever or Kala-azar
11 - On the epidemic malarial fever of Assam or Kala-azar
13 - The variations in the pressure and composition of the blood in cholera; and their bearing on the success of hypertonic saline transfusion in its treatment
14 - Croonian lectures on researches on leprosy and their bearing on the treatment of tuberculosis delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London, Lecture IV - the use of chaulmoogrates and morrhuates in the treatment of tuberculosis
15 - Note on 'defatting of the acid-fast bacilli of leporsy and tubercle by injections of chaulmoogrates and morrhuates
16 - An address on the spread, probable mode of infection and prophylaxis of leprosy
17 - The application to tuberculosis of the successful treatment of leprosy by soluble preparations of chaulmoogra, cod liver and other oils
18 - The forecasting and control of cholera epidemics in India
19 - Smallpox and climate in England and Wales
20 - Pathological evidence bearing on disease incidence in Calcutta
21 - Recent leprosy research and its bearing on the tuberculosis problem
22 - The conditions influencing the incidence and spread of cholera in India
23 - Further experience in forecasting epidemics of smallpox, plague and cholera in India and its bearing on the reduction of cholera
24 - The forecasting and control of cholera epidemics in India
25 - The methods and results of forecasting the incidence of cholera, smallpox and plague in India
26 - Recent advances in the treatment of leprosy
27 - The epidemiology of leprosy
28 - Memorandum on the present position of prophylaxis against lerposy in relation to recent improvement in treatment
29 - Annual address delivered to the asiatic society of Bengal, Calcutta February 7th 1917
30 - Annual address delivered to the asiatic society of Bengal, Calcutta, 2nd February 1916
31 - Recent advances in the treatment of tropical diseases
32 - Further work on antimony intravenously in filariasis
33 - The bactericidal action of organic silver salts and other antiseptics on the dysentry bacillus
34 - Four years' further experience of autogenous oral streptococcal vaccines in the treatment of seventeen cases of sprue
35 - Cholera with special reference to its treatment
36 - A preliminary note on blood pressures as a guide in transfusion for cholera
37 - On ameobic liver abscess: its pathology, prevention and cure, being the Lettsomian lectures delivered before the Medical Society of London on January 30th and February 8th and 20th 1922
38 - Tropical liver, hepatitis and abscess
39 - The incidence and spread of cholera in India; forecasting and control of epidemics
40 - When will Australia adopt modern prophylactic meaures against leprosy?
41 - The prevention and treatment of amoebic abscess of the liver
42 - Result of the forecast of cholera, smallpox and plague in India in 1931 and forecast for 1932
43 - Leprosy incidence and control in east Africa, 1924-1952, and the outlook
44 - Progress towards the eradication of leprosy from the British Commonwealth. Address to the Commonwealth Society
45 - Further work on antimony intravenously in filariasis
46 - The control of cholera epidemics in India by compulsory anti-cholera innoculation of pilgrims before travelling through infected districts to attend fairs
47 - The prevention of tropical abscess of the liver by the early diagnosis and treatment of the presuppurative stage of amoebic hepatitis
48 - Lauder Brunton.T, On the use of atropine in cholera
49 - The present position of the antimony treatment of filariasis; with a suggestion for trial of intensive treatment
50 - Thirty years' research on the control of cholera epidemics
51 - Recommendations regarding the prevention of malaria
52 - Result of the forecast of cholera, smallpox and plague in India in 1932 and forecast for 1933