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Collapse GB 0809 Rogers - Rogers, Major General Sir Leonard (1868-1962)GB 0809 Rogers - Rogers, Major General Sir Leonard (1868-1962)
Expand 01 - Manuscripts of books 01 - Manuscripts of books
Collapse 02 - Manuscripts of articles02 - Manuscripts of articles
01 - The diagnostic and prognostic value of the leucopenia of Cachexial fever and kala-azar and its treatment
02 - The types of anaemia in malarial cachexia and anchylostomiasis
03 - The uniform success of segragation measures in eradicating Kala-azar from Assam tea gardens, and its bearing on the probable mode of infections
04 - The epidemic malarial fever of Assam or Kala-azar, a reply to criticisms
05 - Preliminary note on the cultivation of the protozoal parasites of cachexial fever
06 - Preliminary report in the causation of kala-azar fever
07 - Climate and disease incidence in India with special reference to leprosy, phthisis (Tuberculosis), pneumonia and smallpox
08 - Brief notes on some fever cases of interest
09 - Vascular papillary tumours of the septum nasi containing coccidia
10 - Smallpox and meterology in India: forecasting epidemics
11 - Disease incidence and climate in India: with special reference to smallpox
Expand 12 - Gleanings from the Calcutta post mortem records12 - Gleanings from the Calcutta post mortem records
13 - Pathological evidence bearing on disease incidence in Calcutta. Part I: General Diseases, and Part II: Tumours, innocent and malignant
14 - Remarks in the discussion of dysentery
15 - The bactericidal action of organic silver salts and other antiseptics on the dysentery bacillus
16 - The bactericidal action of organic silver salts and other disinfectants on the dysentery bacillus
17 - Two cases of sprue treated by mouth streptococcal vaccines and emetine hydrochloride hypodermically
18 - Four years further experience of autogenous oral streptococcal vaccines in the treatment of seventeen cases of sprue
19 - Leprosy manuscript
20 - Cholera in Lower Bengal
21 - The incidence and spread of cholera in India: forecasting and control of epidemics
22 - Forecasting and control of epidemics and the incidence and spread of cholera in India
23 - Results of the treatment of cholera at the Calcutta Medical College Hospital by hypertonic salines intravenously and permanganates by mouth.
24 - The conditions influencing the incidence and spread of cholera in India, proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol.19
25 - The results of the hypertonic and permanaganate treatment in one thousand cases of cholera with remarks on the value of alkalines in the prevention of uraemia and the role of atropine
26 - Abstract of a paper on further experience of the treatment of cholera by injections of hypertonic salines and permanganates internally among Europeans at Palermo
27 - Cholera in Palermo, British Medical Journal
28 - Variations in the pressure and composition of the blood in cholera, and their bearings on the success of hypertonic saline transfusion in its treatment
37 - Cholera, with special reference to its treatment. Transactions of the Bombay Medical Congress
38 - Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 48(1)
39 - Kala-azar: entry for the Encyclopedia Britannica
40 - Further work on antimony intravenously in filariasis
41 - The present position of antimony treatment of filariasis; with a suggestion for its intensive use
42 - The present position of the antimony treatment of filariasis; with a suggestion for trial of intensive treatment
43 - Notes and manuscripts on antimony treatment of filariasis
45 - Notes on making epidemic forecasts
46 - Notes on the prevalence of aneurisms in India
47 - Note on the age at the time of death and the incidence of certain common diseases as shown by the Calcutta medical college post mortem records
48 - Preliminary note on Kala Azar
49 - The present position of the antimony of filariasis; with a suggestion for a trial of intensive treatment, Indian Medical Gazette, vol 82
50 - The bearing of the success of segregation measures on the mode of infection of Kala-Azar
51 - Untitled manuscript (page 1 missing)
52 - Cholera incidence in India 1923-39 in relation to rainfall and pilgrimages: inoculation of pilgrims as a preventative measure
53 - The Inoculation of pilgrims for the control of cholera epidemics
54 - Presidential address Indian science congress, Bombay
55 - Further experience in the treatment of cholera by injections of hypertonic salines and permanganates internally among Europeans at Palermo
56 - The indications for transfusion in cholera and some points in the technique
57 - A second seaon's experience of hypertonic transfusions in cholera controlled by observation of blood changes
58 - Cholera incidence in India in relation to rainfall, absolute humidity and pilgrimages, inoculation of pilgrims as a preventative measure
59 - Recent advances in the treatment of leprosy
60 - Injections of soluble preparation of fatty acids of chaulmoogra and other oils and its bearing on the tuberculosis problem
61 - Two years experience of "sodium gynocardate" subcutaneously and intravenously in the treatment of leprosy
62 - Preliminary note on gynocardate of soda intravenously in leprosy
63 - Sodium morrhuate in leprosy further experience of sodium hydnocarpate (sodium gynocardate A)
64 - The probable modes of infection and the prophylaxis of leprosy
65 - The spread, probable modes of infection and prohpylasxis of leprosy, abstract of address at tropical diseases section of Royal Society of Medicine
66 - The world incidence of leprosy in relation meteorological conditions and its bearing on the probable mode of transmission
67 - The present position of leprosy prophylaxis
68 - Abstract of a paper for the Strasburg International leprosy conference on nomenclature in leprosy
69 - The intradermal leprolin test for the detection of early and latent leprosy
70 - Treatment in colonies in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
71 - Notes on recent leprosy work for address on treatment
72 - Abstract of a paper for the Strasburg international conference on leprosy on the treatment of leprosy by injections of soluble preparations of chaulmoogra, codliver and other oils and their probably mode of action
73 - The bactericidal effect of organic silver salts and other disinfectants on Seiga's bacillus and its bearing on the treatment of bacillary dysentery
74 - The prevention of tropical abcess of the liver by the early diagnosis and treatment of the presupparative stages of amoebic hepatitis
75 - The epidemic malarial fever of Assam or Kala-azar, a reply to criticisms
76 - The world incidence of leprosy and its relationship to humidity
77 - Abstract of a paper for the Strasburg International Conference on leprosy: The present position of leprosy prophylaxis in British possessions
78 - The absolute humidity as the key to the seasonal incidence of cholera in India
79 - Pathological evidence bearing on disease incidence in Calcutta
80 - Note on a resistant sprue anaemia yielding to liver extract intravenously but with a severe abdominal reaction
81 - Lettsonian lectures on amoebic liver abcess: its pathology, prevention and cure.
82 - Tropical liver, hepatitis and abcess
83 - Abstract of a paper for the Strasbourg international leprosy conference on the world incidence of leprosy and it relationship to humidity
84 - Flexible sheathed canula for sterile dressage of amoebic liver abcess
85 - The prevention of tropical abcess of the liver by the treatment of the presupparative stage with ipecacuanha
86 - Abstract of a lecture to be delivered at the Calcutta medical club on tropical or amoebic abcess of the liver as a preventative disease
87 - The diagnostic and prognostic value of leucocyte in cirrhosis of the liver
Expand 03 - Reports03 - Reports
Expand 04 - Correspondence04 - Correspondence
Expand 05 - Additional material05 - Additional material
Expand 06 - Leprosy drawings by HS Mandal06 - Leprosy drawings by HS Mandal
Expand 07 - Reprints07 - Reprints