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Collapse GB 0809 Nutrition - Nutrition collectionGB 0809 Nutrition - Nutrition collection
Expand 01 - The Nyasaland (now Malawi) Survey 1938-194301 - The Nyasaland (now Malawi) Survey 1938-1943
Expand 02 - Kenya-Uganda Railway Labour Efficiency Survey02 - Kenya-Uganda Railway Labour Efficiency Survey
Expand 03 - Volta River Project - Ghana03 - Volta River Project - Ghana
Expand 04 - The Gambia Experiment 1946-195004 - The Gambia Experiment 1946-1950
Expand 05 - Applied Nutrition Unit05 - Applied Nutrition Unit
Expand 06 - Patty Fisher collection06 - Patty Fisher collection
Expand 07 - Professor Benjamin Stanley Platt papers07 - Professor Benjamin Stanley Platt papers
Expand 08 - Records relating to the publication of  'miscellaneous information about tropical foods', compiled by Miss Grant08 - Records relating to the publication of 'miscellaneous information about tropical foods', compiled by Miss Grant
Expand 09 - Professor Philip Payne papers09 - Professor Philip Payne papers
Expand 10 - The Culwick Papers 1934-194410 - The Culwick Papers 1934-1944
Expand 11 - Prisoner of War papers11 - Prisoner of War papers
Expand 12 - Dr W R Aykroyd papers12 - Dr W R Aykroyd papers
Expand 13 - Erica Wheeler papers13 - Erica Wheeler papers
Expand 14 - Dr Wadsworth's manual on health aspects of nutrition in the Western Pacific14 - Dr Wadsworth's manual on health aspects of nutrition in the Western Pacific
Expand 15 - Stoke obesity study - Mary Griffiths15 - Stoke obesity study - Mary Griffiths
Expand 16 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition papers16 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition papers
Collapse 17 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - countries17 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - countries
Collapse 01 - Africa01 - Africa
Expand 01 - Africa General01 - Africa General
Expand 02 - East Africa02 - East Africa
Expand 03 - Ghana (Gold Coast)03 - Ghana (Gold Coast)
Expand 04 - Kenya04 - Kenya
Expand 05 - Sierra Leone05 - Sierra Leone
Expand 06 - Uganda06 - Uganda
Expand 07 - Nigeria07 - Nigeria
Expand 08 - Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia)08 - Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia)
Expand 09 - Cameroon09 - Cameroon
Expand 10 - Republic of the Congo10 - Republic of the Congo
Expand 11 - Lesotho (Basutoland)11 - Lesotho (Basutoland)
Expand 12 - Sudan12 - Sudan
Expand 13 - Swaziland (now Eswatini)13 - Swaziland (now Eswatini)
Expand 14 - South Africa14 - South Africa
Expand 15 - Ethiopia (Abyssinia)15 - Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
Expand 16 - Botswana (Bechuanaland)16 - Botswana (Bechuanaland)
Expand 17 - Seychelles17 - Seychelles
Collapse 18 - Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)18 - Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)
Expand 01 - Nutrition education in Zambia - booklets produced by The National Food and Nutrition Commission 01 - Nutrition education in Zambia - booklets produced by The National Food and Nutrition Commission
Collapse 02 - General 1970s papers/reports02 - General 1970s papers/reports
01 - Report on 'food in Zambia' issued by the National Food and Nutrition Commission, Lusaka by CM Sewell
02 - Report on 'an investigation into the nutritional status of the population of Chilubi Island in Lake Bangweulu' by The National Food and Nutrition Commission, Lusaka
03 - A report by Jytte Kjaergaard, Associate expert, Zambia. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
04 - A paper on 'Lake Kariba - Fisheries Research and Commercial Fisheries Development' by MAE Mortimer, Chief Fisheries Officer, Department of Game and Fisheries, Zambia
05 - National Seminar for Farmer Training, Nutrition Training in Rural Areas, Pauline Whitby, FAO Nutrition Officer
06 - A paper on 'the primary deterrent to human progress, malnutrition' by EC Thomson
07 - A paper on 'administration of a national nutrition programme' by EC Thomson
08 - Paper on 'freedom from hunger campaign, regional conference' outlining committee structure in Zambia
09 - Paper on 'some notes for instructors' a manual which attempts to summarise the essential knowledge of nutrition that must be widely known in Zambia
10 - Report written by Mr PCG Adams, Executive Officer, Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind, on 'observations made by him during his operations in Zambia with a mobile eye clinic from 1962-1964.
11 - An application from Lusaka Nutrition Group to Oxfam submitted through the Zambia National Committee of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign
12 - 'Nutrition News' August 1975 newspaper produced by The National Food and Nutrition Commission of Zambia, aimed at public
13 - Programmed learning booklet 'studying growth - a programme about the growth of living things'
14 - 'Workers feeding on a forest estate in Zambia', by CE Alison, work study engineer, FAO
03 - 'Further observations on African children' by EA Beet, Colonial Medical Service
04 - Report of food consumption in the Serenje district
05 - Recent surveys in the pilot areas of Fort Rosebery and Matanda
06 - 'Report on a nutrition survey carried out in the Kawambwa district, Northern Rhodesia, in 1948' by Dr Hope Trant
07 - 'Pachyderma' by JW Nelson
09 - Annual progress report, health and nutrition scheme, Fort Rosebery, Northern Rhodesia
10 - Report of nutrition survey in the Serenje district 1947-1948
11 - 'Report of an investigation into the food habits and food consumption of Africans in the Fort Rosebery district of Northern Rhodesia, 1948-1949 by the nutrition officer, Northern Rhodesia'
12 - 'Northern Rhodesia nutrition survey' by JC Haslam
13 - Economic Advisory Council documents
14 - Medical inspection/school health/forms
15 - Results from nutrition survey August 1969
16 - Newspaper cuttings on nutrition from British and Zambian newspapers
18 - Report of an investigation into the food expenditure and food consumption of Africans living in the main location and in Chilinge township, Lusaka during January and February 1947
Expand 19 - Somalia (Somaliland)19 - Somalia (Somaliland)
Expand 20 - Tanzania (Tanganyika)20 - Tanzania (Tanganyika)
Expand 21 - Zanzibar21 - Zanzibar
Expand 22 - Malawi22 - Malawi
Expand 23 - Egypt23 - Egypt
Expand 24 - Zaire (Belgian Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo)24 - Zaire (Belgian Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Expand 25 - Angola (Portuguese West Africa)25 - Angola (Portuguese West Africa)
Expand 26 - Tunisia26 - Tunisia
Expand 27 - Rwanda27 - Rwanda
Expand 28 - Togo28 - Togo
Expand 29 - Madagascar29 - Madagascar
Expand 30 - Senegal30 - Senegal
Expand 31 - Ivory Coast31 - Ivory Coast
Expand 32 - Libya32 - Libya
Expand 33 - Morocco33 - Morocco
Expand 34 - St Helena34 - St Helena
Expand 35 - Mauritius35 - Mauritius
Expand 02 - Asia02 - Asia
Expand 03 - Europe03 - Europe
Expand 04 - The Americas: North, Central & South America04 - The Americas: North, Central & South America
Expand 05 - Oceania05 - Oceania
Expand 06 - Middle East06 - Middle East
Expand 18 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - subjects18 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - subjects
Expand 19 - Nutrition Slide Collection19 - Nutrition Slide Collection
Expand 20 - Nutrition Policy Unit resource20 - Nutrition Policy Unit resource
Expand 21 - Professor Prakash Shetty papers21 - Professor Prakash Shetty papers