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Collapse GB 0809 Nutrition - Nutrition collectionGB 0809 Nutrition - Nutrition collection
Expand 01 - The Nyasaland (now Malawi) Survey 1938-194301 - The Nyasaland (now Malawi) Survey 1938-1943
Expand 02 - Kenya-Uganda Railway Labour Efficiency Survey02 - Kenya-Uganda Railway Labour Efficiency Survey
Expand 03 - Volta River Project - Ghana03 - Volta River Project - Ghana
Expand 04 - The Gambia Experiment 1946-195004 - The Gambia Experiment 1946-1950
Expand 05 - Applied Nutrition Unit05 - Applied Nutrition Unit
Expand 06 - Patty Fisher collection06 - Patty Fisher collection
Expand 07 - Professor Benjamin Stanley Platt papers07 - Professor Benjamin Stanley Platt papers
Expand 08 - Records relating to the publication of  'miscellaneous information about tropical foods', compiled by Miss Grant08 - Records relating to the publication of 'miscellaneous information about tropical foods', compiled by Miss Grant
Collapse 09 - Professor Philip Payne papers09 - Professor Philip Payne papers
Expand 01 - Joint WHO/UNICEF Nutrition Support Programme (JNSP) - Iringa, Tanzania01 - Joint WHO/UNICEF Nutrition Support Programme (JNSP) - Iringa, Tanzania
Collapse 03 - Nutrition planning03 - Nutrition planning
01 - Report of the interministerial working group for the development of national food and nutrition policy guidelines for Thailand
02 - 'A critical review of nutrition planning models and experience'
03 - 'Nutrition planning methodologies: a comparative review of typology and applications' by Lowell E Lynch
04 - Government of Bangladesh Food Ministry, National Food Policy
05 - Forcast and Assessment in Science and Technology (FAST) programme for 'food system research activities'
06 - 'Planning national nutrition programs: a suggested approach, volume II - case study'
07 - 'Interagency consultative meeting on national food and nutrition policies in the Americas (final report)'
08 - 'National food and nutrition policies, report on the technical discussions of the XXIII Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization'
09 - 'Nutrition planning: what do professionals working in the field around the world think? Results of a worldwide survey on attitudes towards nutrition policy', by Claudio Schuftan and William Bertrand, Tulane School of Public Health
10 - 'Nutrition as a determinant of Kenya's agricultural strategy', by Richard Longhurst and Robert Shaw
11 - 'Long term health plan 2032-2057 (1975-2000)'
12 - 'Nutrition programmes and health, report and working papers of the technical discussion held during the twenty ninth session of the WHO regional committee for South East Asia, Srinagar, India'
13 - 'The development of health services in Bangladesh', by Oscar Gish, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
14 - 'Food and Nutrition Planning a report to the FAO by Leonard Joy and Philip Payne'
Expand 15 - University of California, Berkeley meetings15 - University of California, Berkeley meetings
04 - Census indicators of deprivation in the UK
Expand 05 - Food Aid evaluation05 - Food Aid evaluation
Expand 06 - Agriculture06 - Agriculture
07 - The National Menu Survey
Expand 08 - Hypothermia survey of the elderly 197208 - Hypothermia survey of the elderly 1972
Expand 09 - DHSS nutrition survey of elderly 1967-8 and 1973-7409 - DHSS nutrition survey of elderly 1967-8 and 1973-74
Expand 10 - Administrative Committee on Coordination Subcommittee on Nutrition (UN) Sessions, Working Groups and Workshops10 - Administrative Committee on Coordination Subcommittee on Nutrition (UN) Sessions, Working Groups and Workshops
Expand 11 - Models of energy balance papers11 - Models of energy balance papers
Expand 12 - Nutritional surveillance 12 - Nutritional surveillance
Expand 13 - BMR study 199013 - BMR study 1990
14 - Papers from the FAO International Conference on Nutrition for 1992
Expand 15 - Papers, research and lectures15 - Papers, research and lectures
Expand 16 - Overseas Development Administration (ODA) papers16 - Overseas Development Administration (ODA) papers
Expand 17 - Collaborative Research Support Programme (CRSP)17 - Collaborative Research Support Programme (CRSP)
Expand 10 - The Culwick Papers 1934-194410 - The Culwick Papers 1934-1944
Expand 11 - Prisoner of War papers11 - Prisoner of War papers
Expand 12 - Dr W R Aykroyd papers12 - Dr W R Aykroyd papers
Expand 13 - Erica Wheeler papers13 - Erica Wheeler papers
Expand 14 - Dr Wadsworth's manual on health aspects of nutrition in the Western Pacific14 - Dr Wadsworth's manual on health aspects of nutrition in the Western Pacific
Expand 15 - Stoke obesity study - Mary Griffiths15 - Stoke obesity study - Mary Griffiths
Expand 16 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition papers16 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition papers
Expand 17 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - countries17 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - countries
Expand 18 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - subjects18 - LSHTM Department of Human Nutrition study box resource - subjects
Expand 19 - Nutrition Slide Collection19 - Nutrition Slide Collection
Expand 20 - Nutrition Policy Unit resource20 - Nutrition Policy Unit resource
Expand 21 - Professor Prakash Shetty papers21 - Professor Prakash Shetty papers