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Collapse GB 0809 Newsholme - Newsholme, Sir Arthur (1857-1943)GB 0809 Newsholme - Newsholme, Sir Arthur (1857-1943)
Expand 01 - Manuscript material, mostly on tuberculosis, and including notes on a trip to the West Indies and Friendly Societies, written by Newsholme01 - Manuscript material, mostly on tuberculosis, and including notes on a trip to the West Indies and Friendly Societies, written by Newsholme
Expand 02 - Correspondence relating to tuberculosis, the compulsory notification programme and the administration of sanatorium benefit02 - Correspondence relating to tuberculosis, the compulsory notification programme and the administration of sanatorium benefit
Expand 03 - Articles, reports, publications and press cuttings about tuberculosis and other medical issues by Newsholme and others03 - Articles, reports, publications and press cuttings about tuberculosis and other medical issues by Newsholme and others
Expand 04 - File entitled Maternity and Child Welfare containing articles, publications and press cuttings by Newsholme04 - File entitled Maternity and Child Welfare containing articles, publications and press cuttings by Newsholme
Expand 05 - Reports, publications, articles and press cuttings on tuberculosis and related subjects05 - Reports, publications, articles and press cuttings on tuberculosis and related subjects
Collapse 06 - Annual reports of the Local Government Board, including reports by Newsholme, Medical Officer of the Board06 - Annual reports of the Local Government Board, including reports by Newsholme, Medical Officer of the Board
Expand 07 - Material relating to the Milbank Memorial Fund07 - Material relating to the Milbank Memorial Fund
08 - Estate accounts and will of Sir Arthur Newsholme