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Collapse GB 0809 Newsholme - Newsholme, Sir Arthur (1857-1943)GB 0809 Newsholme - Newsholme, Sir Arthur (1857-1943)
Expand 01 - Manuscript material, mostly on tuberculosis, and including notes on a trip to the West Indies and Friendly Societies, written by Newsholme01 - Manuscript material, mostly on tuberculosis, and including notes on a trip to the West Indies and Friendly Societies, written by Newsholme
Expand 02 - Correspondence relating to tuberculosis, the compulsory notification programme and the administration of sanatorium benefit02 - Correspondence relating to tuberculosis, the compulsory notification programme and the administration of sanatorium benefit
Collapse 03 - Articles, reports, publications and press cuttings about tuberculosis and other medical issues by Newsholme and others03 - Articles, reports, publications and press cuttings about tuberculosis and other medical issues by Newsholme and others
01 - Some considerations on tuberculosis
02 - The prevention of tuberculosis in childhood in the British Medical Journal
03 - What promotes tuberculosis most? in The Lancet
04 - The decline in tuberculosis in The Lancet
05 - Municipal homes for the open case of tuberculosis by Edward P Troy in The Medical Officer
06 - A 'graded factory' for tuberculosis patients and ex-patients by C F Pedley in The Lancet
07 - Memorandum on the share of colonies (institutions for training and employment) in the treatment of tuberculosis by J E Chapman
08 - Some anomalies of local public health administration by Newsholme
09 - Press cutting: Geddes Committee proposals and the health service - when spending is not a waste by Newsholme
10 - Press cutting: After the panel war, what? by Newsholme
11 - A discussion on the co-ordination of the public medical services by Newsholme
12 - Medicine and State by Newsholme
13 - Possible Medical Extensions of Public Health Work by Newsholme
14 - Personal reminiscences of William Henry Welch by Newsholme in the Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute
15 - The relationship of the private medical practitioner to preventive medicine by Newsholme in the Medical Practitioner
16 - The Milroy Lectures on The Natural History and Affinities of Rheumatic Fever: A Study in Epidemiology
17 - The epidemiology of rheumatic fever
18 - Lecture 'Argument as to the infective character of rheumatic fever'
19 - Epidemiology of smallpox in the nineteenth century in the British Medical Journal
20 - Statement of evidence as to the medical assistance of the poor by Newsholme, addressing the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress
21 - Report on the recent epidemic of measles in Brighton
22 - The Community and Social Hygiene, first proof
23 - The relative importance of the constituent factors involved in the control of pulmonary tuberculosis
24 - Some considerations on tuberculosis
25 - Notification of consumption: its pros and cons. Remarks introductory to a discussion on the prevention of phthisis
26 - Notification of tuberculosis in Great Britain: a historical note
27 - Memorandum by the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board on administrative measures against tuberculosis
28 - Tuberculosis in relation to milk supply in the Practitioner
29 - The relationship of the private medical practitioner to preventive medicine in the Medical Practitioner
30 - An address on the present position of the tuberculosis problem
31 - Report of the Medical Officer of Health on the provision of additional means for the treatment of consumptive patients in the borough (Brighton)
32 - Discussion on the co-ordination of measures against tuberculosis, opened by G A Heron and the voluntary notification of phthisis in Brighton by Newsholme
33 - Lecture to the Congress on the national importance of child mortality
34 - Public health authorities in relation to the struggle against tuberculosis in England
35 - An introductory address on the relation of the medical practitioner to preventive measures against tuberculosis
36 - The voluntary notification of phthisis in Brighton
37 - Bound volume of articles and addresses on tuberculosis
38 - A lecture entitled the causes of tuberculosis and the means for stamping it out. Brighton and Hove Dairymen's Association
39 - Bound volume containing 'Protracted and recrudescent infection in diphtheria and scarlet fever' and 'The role of missed cases in the spread of infectious diseases'
40 - The social aspects of prevention of illness
41 - National changes in health and longevity
42 - The better use of vital statistics in public health administration
43 - Humane slaughtering and the public health
44 - The relation of vital statistics to sanitary reform
45 - An address on social evolution and public health
46 - About civilization and the survival of the fittest
47 - Alleged physical degeneration in towns
48 - The social aspects of the alcohol problem
49 - Moral aspects of social hygiene
50 - The utility of isolation hospitals in diminishing the spread of scarlet fever considered from an epidemiological standpoint
51 - Tuberculosis in relation to the milk supply, discussion initiated at the 490th meeting of the Medico-Chirurgical Society
52 - The School in relation to hygiene
53 - The lower limit of age for school attendance, a plea for the exclusion of children under five years of age from public elementary schools
54 - The lower limit of age for school attendance
55 - Tuberculosis in relation to the milk supply in the Practitioner
56 - Bound pamphlets entitled Epidemic Diarrhoea containing A contribution to the study of epidemic diarrhoea: presidential address delivered before the incorporated society medical officers of health and The public health aspects of summer diarrhoea
57 - Can human life be prolonged and disease be prevented? Answers found in the writings and addresses of Sir Arthur Newsholme
58 - The notification of phthisis pulmonalis in the Practitioner
59 - Tuberculosis (International Congress of 1908). Copy of report by Newsholme
60 - New light on the drink problem
61 - The measurement of progress in public health with special reference to the life and work of William Farr
62 - Hygiene: sixieme section - hygiene administrative: prophylaxie des maladies transmissibles - habitants ouvrieres - hygiene infantile.
63 - The decline of human fertility in the United Kingdom and other countries as shown by corrected birth-rates
64 - On the alleged increase of cancer by George King and Newsholme
65 - The health of scholars: with special reference to the education code and the Board of Education Act 1899
66 - Vital statistics of Peabody buildings and other artisans and labourers block dwellings
67 - The moral aspects of social hygiene
68 - A national system of notification and registration of sickness
69 - The study of hygiene in elementary schools
70 - The prevention of phthisis, with special reference to its notification to the Medical Officer of Health
Expand 04 - File entitled Maternity and Child Welfare containing articles, publications and press cuttings by Newsholme04 - File entitled Maternity and Child Welfare containing articles, publications and press cuttings by Newsholme
Expand 05 - Reports, publications, articles and press cuttings on tuberculosis and related subjects05 - Reports, publications, articles and press cuttings on tuberculosis and related subjects
Expand 06 - Annual reports of the Local Government Board, including reports by Newsholme, Medical Officer of the Board06 - Annual reports of the Local Government Board, including reports by Newsholme, Medical Officer of the Board
Expand 07 - Material relating to the Milbank Memorial Fund07 - Material relating to the Milbank Memorial Fund
08 - Estate accounts and will of Sir Arthur Newsholme