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Collapse GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Collapse 01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
Expand 01 - Roll of posters01 - Roll of posters
Expand 02 - Roll of posters02 - Roll of posters
Expand 03 - Roll of posters03 - Roll of posters
Expand 04 - Roll of posters04 - Roll of posters
Expand 05 - Roll of posters05 - Roll of posters
Expand 06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
Expand 07 - Roll of posters07 - Roll of posters
Expand 08 - Roll of posters08 - Roll of posters
Expand 09 - Roll of posters09 - Roll of posters
Expand 10 - Roll of posters10 - Roll of posters
Expand 11 - Roll of posters11 - Roll of posters
Expand 12 - Roll of posters from Portugal12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
Expand 13 - Roll of posters13 - Roll of posters
Expand 14 - Roll of posters14 - Roll of posters
Expand 15 - Roll of posters from Greece15 - Roll of posters from Greece
Expand 16 - Roll of posters16 - Roll of posters
Expand 17 - Roll of posters17 - Roll of posters
Expand 18 - Roll of posters18 - Roll of posters
Expand 19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
Expand 20 - Roll of posters20 - Roll of posters
Expand 21 - Roll of posters21 - Roll of posters
Expand 22 - Roll of posters22 - Roll of posters
Collapse 23 - Roll of posters23 - Roll of posters
01 - Images of various people with a synopsis of their story underneath. Caption: Sida info service. Je suis seroposif. Faut-il le dire au medecin du travail? Comment on attrape le sida? Mon ami est mort il y a une semaine. Je n'ai plus envie de faire l'amour. Si je fais un test, ca peut etre anonyme? Mon copain est toxico, il ne veut pas entendre parler du sida. Demai j'ai mes resultats. Mon fils a maigri. Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour aider? Mon medecin est super, meais je ne peux pas tout lui dire. J'ai fait une connerie. Seropo ou pas, je l'aime.
02 - Images of group of men, in partners. Caption: Een eerlijke relatie, lekker en safe? Kies voor veilig. COE dan ook.
03 - Image of man and woman. Caption: Aids zerstort seinen Korper. Aber nicht ihre Liebe.
04 - [AIDS - the plague of the 20th century. You die in hospital, you will be burned, your loneliness will end without loving anybody. Nikitin (poet)]
05 - Image of two older people. Caption: mir AIDS? Non, ce n'est pas notre cas. Mais nos enfants et nos petits enfants ne sont pas a l'abri. S'ils contractaient le SIDA, nous ne les laisserions pas tomber pour autant. Car, ils auraient encore plus besoin de notre soutien et de notre affection. Et vous, comment reagiriez-vous face a une personne atteinte du SIDA?
06 - Europe against AIDS
07 - Kan du prata med ditt barn, Yvonne? [Can you talk to your child, Yvonne ?]
08 - We know of 11,218 people in the UK who have been infected with the virus that leads to AIDS. It's the number we don't know of that's even more worrying.
09 - Image of penises with condoms - instructions for use. Caption: Pro fur due liebe.
10 - Image of two men cutting a wedding cake. Caption: Stand by your man - for better or for worse, safe sex.
11 - Ohne? Ohne mich. [Without ? Without me]
12 - Ohne? Ohne mich. [Without? Without Me.]
13 - Mand og mand imellem. [A firm grip in your pocket.]
14 - Image of various celebrities holding condoms. Caption: Preservativo obligatorio usar. Porque a Sida existe!
15 - Are you properly dressed for the occasion? AIDS is transmitted by sexual contact - use a condom.
16 - SIDA se transmite prin. SIDA nu se transmite prin.
17 - Image of condom. Caption: !Hola soy el condon RQTS! Cuido de veuestra salud. Ademas de higienico soy marchoso. Hay que usarme sin tabu. Entrenaros y disfrutadme. No me tires en el WC. Tirame a la basura. No me olvides!
18 - [Love = life, look after it.]
19 - Caption: Si haces el amor ('O' is the image of a condom), evita el Sida.
20 - Er du kledd for enhver anledning? AIDS overfores ved seksuell kontakt - kondom beskytter. [Are you properly dressed for the occasion?]
21 - Tenk deg om for du snur deg! AIDS overfores ved seksuell kontakt - kondom beskytter. [Think before you act]
22 - Tenk deg om tor du kaster deg uti det! AIDS overfores ved seksuell kontakt - kondom beskytter. [Think before you take the plunge.]
23 - Ta det med ro !utlandet! AIDS overfores ved seksuell kontakt. [AIDS is transmitted by sexual contact.]
24 - SECS Societatea de educatie contraceptiva si sexuala - departamentul tineret - ministerul tineretului si sportului. Linistea lor poate fi si linistea voastra … !
25 - Pontelo. Ponselo. [Put it on. Put it on him.]
26 - Todos podemos ser portadores. De solidaridad. Con los afectads de Sida, hazte portador de solidaridad. [All of us can be transmitters … of solidarity. With AIDS affected, you become a solidarity carrier.]
27 - No piques. El Sida te engancha por la droga. Siete cada diez enfermos del Sida son drogadictos. [Don't jab/inject. AIDS hooks you through drugs. Seven out of ten people with AIDS are drug addicts.]
28 - Image of eyes. Caption: Sida conocerlo a tiempo puede ser vital para tu salud. Un simple analisis de sangre puede sacarte de dudas.
29 - Image of condom and half-franc coin. Caption: Viel Schutz fur wenig Schtutz.
30 - Image of man and woman. Caption: Tempo de actuar.
31 - Para seu governo nao vamos cruzar os bracos. [Be aware! We won't cross our arms.]
32 - Image of man sitting on floor. Caption: Sabe que se pode morrer de Solidao? Contra a Sida. Contraa Discriminacao.
33 - Sida. Nao lhe confie a sua vida. [AIDS. Don't trust your life to it.]
34 - Image of telephone message pad. Caption: SOS Sida. Que pode apoiar e informar sobre a Sida.
35 - Se quisieres… nao estas so! [If you want, don't stay alone.]
36 - SIDA informa-te participa. [Participate]
37 - O port e d'Abraco! Abraco, Porto, Notaveis da cidade, Jogo de fuebol, Boavista, F.C. Futebol feminino. Porque a SIDA existe.
38 - Faca o primeiro gesto. A SIDA nao se transmite pela amizade. [Make the first move. AIDS is not transmitted by friendship.]
39 - Image of 3 people, one with eyes covered, one with mouth covered and one with ears covered. Caption: Esta nao pode ser a atitude. Dizer na a droga! Uma opcao de vida!
40 - Os jovens e a Sida. [Your young and AIDS.]
41 - Solidariedade SIDA … nao marginalizar, compreender, apoiar, aomunicar, integrar, reflectir, nao temer, prevenir, conviver …[Solidarity … don't exclude, to understand, to support, to communicate, to include, to reflect, don't fear, to prevent, to live together.]
Expand 24 - Roll of posters24 - Roll of posters
Expand 25 - Roll of posters from Sweden25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
Expand 26 - Roll of posters26 - Roll of posters
Expand 27 - Roll of posters27 - Roll of posters
Expand 28 - Roll of posters28 - Roll of posters
Expand 29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
Expand 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
Expand 31 - Mixed flat posterboards31 - Mixed flat posterboards
Expand 32 - Flat posters32 - Flat posters
Expand 02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
Expand 03 - Campaign and evaluation material03 - Campaign and evaluation material