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Collapse GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Collapse 01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
Expand 01 - Roll of posters01 - Roll of posters
Expand 02 - Roll of posters02 - Roll of posters
Expand 03 - Roll of posters03 - Roll of posters
Expand 04 - Roll of posters04 - Roll of posters
Expand 05 - Roll of posters05 - Roll of posters
Expand 06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
Expand 07 - Roll of posters07 - Roll of posters
Expand 08 - Roll of posters08 - Roll of posters
Expand 09 - Roll of posters09 - Roll of posters
Expand 10 - Roll of posters10 - Roll of posters
Expand 11 - Roll of posters11 - Roll of posters
Expand 12 - Roll of posters from Portugal12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
Expand 13 - Roll of posters13 - Roll of posters
Expand 14 - Roll of posters14 - Roll of posters
Expand 15 - Roll of posters from Greece15 - Roll of posters from Greece
Expand 16 - Roll of posters16 - Roll of posters
Expand 17 - Roll of posters17 - Roll of posters
Expand 18 - Roll of posters18 - Roll of posters
Expand 19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
Collapse 20 - Roll of posters20 - Roll of posters
01 - Tom of Finland, life guard.
02 - Du willst sex pur. Ich will uberleben. Gummi. Keine Frage. [You want sex pure. I want to survive. Rubber. No question.]
03 - Image of woman. Caption: Ich mach mit - Du auch?
04 - !Hola soy el condon RQTS! Cuido de veuestra salud. Ademas de higienico soy marchoso. Hay que usarme sin tabu. Entrenaros y disfrutadme. No me tires en el WC. Tirame a la basura. No me olvides! [Hi, I'm the condom RQTS. I take care of your health.]
05 - Image of man and woman. Caption: Sex er sjovt - og det skulle det gerne blive ved med. Der skal to til at sprede AIDS. Og du bestemmer selv, om du vil vaere den ene. Bruger du kondom ved samleje, behover du ikke vaere bange for at fa AIDS. Beskyt dig - ogsa mod andres uviden-hed.
06 - The only thing that should come between you and your partner.
07 - Image of condom in the shape of the Nike swoosh. Caption: Just use it. Porque a SIDA existe.
08 - Colour of Love Summer Tour 1996
09 - Image of man and woman with condoms as halos. Caption: Var din egen skyddsangel
10 - Images of gay men. Caption: Mere sikker sex gognet rundt. Pa madrassen. I det fri. I hjmmene. Pa toiletterne.
11 - [Let's talk about AIDS. It's time.]
12 - Einn Islendinger greinist a manuoi. Einn u r bessum bekk hefur smitatst af alnaemi. Pad er undir okkur komid ad hann fai ad lifa adlilegu lifi. [One Icelander a month is diagnosed with HIV.]
13 - Ef pu tekur ahaettu i kynlifi skaltu halda henni i lagmarki. Smokkurinn ervorn gegneydni. Hann ma ekki vera neitt feimnismal.
14 - Image of naked woman and man having sex. Caption: Studum banvaent stundum ekki. Kynntu per alnaemishaettuna samfara kynlift. Landlaeknisembaettid.
15 - Fólk deyr af voldum alnaemis.
16 - Verzweiflung und Schweigen helfen nicht. Wir wollen kein Mitleid, sondern Unterstutzung und Hilfe, wenn wir sie brauchen. Solidaritat ist gefragt, nicht nur in Krisensituationen. [Desperation and to keep quiet does not help. We do not want pity, but support and help when we need it. Solidarity is wanted not only in a crisis.]
17 - Lachen lieben Kampfen. Gemeinsam gegen Auslanderfeindlichkeit und Schwulenhab. [Laugh, love, fight. Together against hostility against foreigners, hostility against gays.]
18 - Vergolde deinen schwanz. [Gold-plate your cock.]
19 - Schwule vielfalt schwule solidaritat. [Gay diversity gay solidarity]
20 - Positiv, aktiv. Gemeinsam Wege suchen. Gegenseitig Halt geben. [Positive action. Find ways together. Mutual support.]
21 - [Let's talk about AIDS, the message is hope.]
22 - Image of condoms from around the world. Caption: Reiseforsikringen mot hiv. NB! Det dikreste er a ta med kondomer fra norge.
23 - Country: Norway. Translation: Travel insurance against AIDS. NB! Warning given to take condoms from Norway to ensure the quality is satisfactory. See also: Depts/31/01/16/05
24 - Image of man and woman holding hands. Caption: Partager le plaisir, partager la responsabilite.
25 - Zu 36000 Letzebuerg si mer zu iwer 360000 dei AIDS stoppe kennen. In Luxemburg sind wir uber 360000 die AIS stoppen konnen. Au Luxembourg nous sommes plus de 360000 a pouvoir arreter le SIDA. In Luxembroug we are more than 360000 who can stop AIDS. A Lussemburgo siamo piu di 360000 a poter fermare l'AIDS. No Luxembourgo somos mais de 360000 a poder acabar com o SIDA
26 - SIDA prevencion en convivencia. El SIDA no se contrae por la convivenica en la familia, la escuela, el trabajo o la diversion. El SIDA tiene unas vias de contagio muy bient definidas y hemos de considerarlo como una enfermedad mas ante la cual hay que tener una actitud social responsible y solidaria. [AIDS in community living. AIDS is not transmitted in living together in family, school, work or entertainment.]
27 - SIDA ciempies. Para llevarlo mejor aprende a utilizar tu fuerza. [AIDS caterpillar (literally 100 feet). To deal with it, better learn to use your strength.]
28 - SIDA. Una cuestion de todos. !Informate! [AIDS. Everyone's issue. Inform yourself.]
Expand 21 - Roll of posters21 - Roll of posters
Expand 22 - Roll of posters22 - Roll of posters
Expand 23 - Roll of posters23 - Roll of posters
Expand 24 - Roll of posters24 - Roll of posters
Expand 25 - Roll of posters from Sweden25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
Expand 26 - Roll of posters26 - Roll of posters
Expand 27 - Roll of posters27 - Roll of posters
Expand 28 - Roll of posters28 - Roll of posters
Expand 29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
Expand 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
Expand 31 - Mixed flat posterboards31 - Mixed flat posterboards
Expand 32 - Flat posters32 - Flat posters
Expand 02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
Expand 03 - Campaign and evaluation material03 - Campaign and evaluation material