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Collapse GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health GB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health - Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Collapse 01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe01 - Posters relating to AIDS prevention in Europe
Expand 01 - Roll of posters01 - Roll of posters
Expand 02 - Roll of posters02 - Roll of posters
Expand 03 - Roll of posters03 - Roll of posters
Expand 04 - Roll of posters04 - Roll of posters
Expand 05 - Roll of posters05 - Roll of posters
Expand 06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands06 - Roll of posters from the Netherlands
Collapse 07 - Roll of posters07 - Roll of posters
01 - 9th International conference for people living with HIV/AIDS 13-19 August 1999, Warszawa, Poland. Uniting for equality
02 - Protect yourself and your family. National Office for AIDS prevention. Warsaw 1994.
03 - One world - one hope. Red ribbon - the international symbol of solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS.
04 - One world one hope. Red ribbon - the international symbol of solidarity with people living with HIV and AIDS.
05 - Just use it. Porque a SIDA existe. [Because AIDS exists.]
06 - Doe jij iets aan, doe ik iets uit … Ik vrij veilig of ik vrij niet. [If you put something on, I'll take something off…]
07 - Protect your freedom.
08 - Image of condoms with faces drawn on them. Caption: Plastificate! El uso del preservativo es un metodo eficaz para la prevencion de embarazos no deseads, enfermedades de transmision sexual y el Sida.
09 - De fleste ulykken skjer I hjemmet. I faste forhold hvor ingen av partene er smittet, velger noen a la vaere a bruke kondom ved analt samleie. [Most accidents happen in the home. In stable relationships where neither are infected, some chose not to use condoms during anal intercourse.]
10 - Images of woman and man kissing skulls. Caption: Hoia ennast surmasuudluse eest. Kasuta kondoomi. Keep yourself from kiss of death. Use condom.
11 - Image of flame and two hands. Caption: XV Miedzynarodowy Dzien Pamieci Zmarlych na AIDS I Mobilizacji Przeciw AIDS. 15th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Mobilization. Spotkajmy Sie 17 Maja 1998.
12 - Image of a baby. Caption: ech? AIDS? Le SIDA n'epargne pas forcement les personnes que vous aimez. Alors, ne permettez pas qu'elles soient atteintes. Si vous avez le moindre doute et si vous desirez un enfant, prenez vos responsabilites. Soumettez-vous a un test de depistage. Informez-vous! Aids betrefft eis all. Gitt op Nummer secher.
13 - Image of two older people. Caption: mir AIDS? Non, ce n'est pas notre cas. Mais nos enfants et nos petits enfants ne sont pas a l'abri. S'ils contractaient le SIDA, nous ne les laisserions pas tomber pour autant. Car, ils auraient encore plus besoin de notre soutien et de notre affection. Et vous, comment reagiriez-vous face a une personne atteinte du SIDA?
14 - Image of group of young people. Caption: mir AIDS? Les discos, les concerts et les soirees folles, c'est ca la jeunesse. S'amuser, draguer et tomber amoureux. Des fois, ca finit meme au lit dans les bras de notre conquete. Notre comportement n'a pas trop change depuis qu'on parle du SIDA, sauf que nous utilisons maintenant des preservatifs. Aids betrefft eis all. Gitt op Nummer secher.
15 - Sin ooler met sin...et get memmen eng Amtwert: AIDSTEST. Anonym. Gratis. [To be or not to be … there's only one answer: AIDSTEST. Anonymous, free of charge.]
16 - Exposition solidarite. SIDAIDS [Solidarity Exhibition]
17 - AIDS filmtage. Journees du film sur le Sida. AIDS is …
18 - Stop aids woch. Distribution massive de materiel d'information a travers les bistrots du pays. [Stop AIDS week. No further translation.]
19 - L'AIDS e un virus. La paura e un mostro. Il viurs dell'AIDS si puo trasmettere. Il vius dell'AIDS non si trasmette. [AIDS is a virus. No further translation.]
20 - Idoben kerjuk, vedekezzen! [We ask you in time to defend!]
21 - Szabadon. Onmagadert es masokert. [Is free for yourself and others.]
22 - Kozosen az AIDS ellen. [Together against AIDS.]
23 - Saturday Night Fever. Kondome schutzen! Sich gut ze kennen, heikt night gleich hullenlos pennen. [Condoms protect. To know each other well does not mean to sleep unclothed.]
24 - Positiv leben. Jeder kann positiv sein. Ohne es zu wissen. Das heikt fur jeden, sich und andere zu schutzen. Eben positiv leben. [Positive living. Everybody can be positive without knowing it. That means for everybody to protect oneself and others to be positive.]
25 - Gleich hier? Aber sicher!
26 - Image of Humphrey Bogart in rain coat. Caption: Humphrey B. Trug augh immer regenmantel. Kondome sind das sicherste >Kleidungsstuck
27 - AIDS. Schutz Dish Mich Uns. [AIDS. Protect yourself, me, us.]
28 - Hey Mann, zieh was an! Kondome sind das sicherste >Kleidungsstuck
29 - Weniger Risiko beim Spritzen. Safer use.
Expand 08 - Roll of posters08 - Roll of posters
Expand 09 - Roll of posters09 - Roll of posters
Expand 10 - Roll of posters10 - Roll of posters
Expand 11 - Roll of posters11 - Roll of posters
Expand 12 - Roll of posters from Portugal12 - Roll of posters from Portugal
Expand 13 - Roll of posters13 - Roll of posters
Expand 14 - Roll of posters14 - Roll of posters
Expand 15 - Roll of posters from Greece15 - Roll of posters from Greece
Expand 16 - Roll of posters16 - Roll of posters
Expand 17 - Roll of posters17 - Roll of posters
Expand 18 - Roll of posters18 - Roll of posters
Expand 19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia19 - Roll of posters from Scandinavia
Expand 20 - Roll of posters20 - Roll of posters
Expand 21 - Roll of posters21 - Roll of posters
Expand 22 - Roll of posters22 - Roll of posters
Expand 23 - Roll of posters23 - Roll of posters
Expand 24 - Roll of posters24 - Roll of posters
Expand 25 - Roll of posters from Sweden25 - Roll of posters from Sweden
Expand 26 - Roll of posters26 - Roll of posters
Expand 27 - Roll of posters27 - Roll of posters
Expand 28 - Roll of posters28 - Roll of posters
Expand 29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands29 - Roll of posters from Netherlands
Expand 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards 30 - The Terrence Higgins Trust - posters and postcards
Expand 31 - Mixed flat posterboards31 - Mixed flat posterboards
Expand 32 - Flat posters32 - Flat posters
Expand 02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera02 - HIV/AIDS prevention campaign ephemera
Expand 03 - Campaign and evaluation material03 - Campaign and evaluation material