
Ref NoGB 0809 Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health/01/08/28
TitleFixer. AIDS wird durch Blutruckstande an schon einmal benutxten Spritzen ubertragen. Deshalf: Nadel und Spritze nich weitegeber! [Fix. AIDS is transmitted through blood remains on already used syringes. Don't pass on syringes and needles. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease, condoms protect.]
DescriptionColourful poster and text. Caption: Fixer. AIDS wird durch Blutruckstande an schon einmal benutxten Spritzen ubertragen. Deshalf: Nadel und Spritze nich weitegeber! [Fix. AIDS is transmitted through blood remains on already used syringes. Don't pass on syringes and needles. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease, condoms protect.] Country: Germany. Agency: DAH.
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